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Twilight Series Question

I have a nine year old sister who followed me in my twilight obsession. now she wants to read the books. should i let her??? (i'm not letting her read breaking dawn for a while, it will take her some time to even fisish the books.)

thank all you guys for posting anwers i will report my desicion whem my mind is made up!
clary_simon13 posted over a year ago
 clary_simon13 posted over a year ago
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Twilight Series Answers

sinai114 said:
Okay. Fact one. Kids these days know everything, its harder to keep their eyes shut on subjects like these when the media and social acquaintances influence so much. She might not know the whole deal but she has an idea. Fact two. Breaking dawn is a book that can't be actually considered "rated r" because their isn't really a sexual scene described in it but the fact that it leaves what happens in Bella & Edwards honeymoon in blurry/blank/mystery mode, makes it even worse, because it lets the reader wonder.....a lot. Yea and I would tell you about what went through my mind, ayeee mate, how steamy it might have been..ayee..especially when Bella wakes up with all those damn freaky bruises alright, and then her addiction to it... But the issue might not be completely about sexual intercourse, because depending on how much your sister is at a reading level, she might not completely understand at the moment what really is going on. Fact three.What could really be the issue is the excrutiating lovely and bloody gruesome details on bella's pregnancy, because there isn't any blurring out there, everything is well explained and livid and harsh. I believe the most mature thing you could do in your situation and being a sister myself, disregarding the time it might take for your young sister to finally read through all those books and the boring parts and debating whether or not shes team jacob or team edward...and whether or not she likes the book or not...well before she gets her hands on breaking dawn just make sure you touch the issue briefly. Besides it will be inevitable to not talk about it at all before breaking dawn because there are parts in the other books that describe the kissing scenes and what not. I think its best if you dont tell her you aren't going to let her read it right away because trust me kids these days..are just over curious, and if shes determined to finish because she has become a die hard twifanpire, she will find the means to get her hands on breaking dawn....even if it means breaking the well not to such extremes.

Personally i wouldnt even be worried, because I was stressing about it with my sister and it turns out she says she would burn the books and watch the movies, because they aren't so good. lol. yes she does have bad taste in literature, she would rather read pictures.
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posted over a year ago 
Hhh, poor thing, doesn't like the books:) Good answer btw...
tototo19 posted over a year ago
ok thank you
clary_simon13 posted over a year ago
youre welcome!!
sinai114 posted over a year ago
littlemiss_ME said:
i dont think that you should... yet. you should wait till she hits middle school or at least turns 11. this way itwould be easier for her to understand and she will be able to use context clues bette. idk just mt apinion. but trust me you dnt want her gettn nto all the romance stuff too early
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posted over a year ago 
i was 11 when i first read all of them.
darkfairy97 posted over a year ago
Edward_Bella234 said:
Hmm I don't know. I think Twilight will be fine. Even though Breaking Dawn doesn't acually describe when they're having sex...hmmm, I wouldn't worry about Twilight or New Moon. The kissing in Eclipse might be a little much and the sexuality of Breaking Dawn is debatable. I would let her read Twilight for sure. maybe hold off on the others.
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posted over a year ago 
yes it doesnt describe much but it describes enough to where the imagination subconsiously creates more vivid images then the book gives
littlemiss_ME posted over a year ago
yeah, i definitely had some naughty images going in my mind of Edward!! tee-hee...
Edward_Bella234 posted over a year ago
yeah ok thank all you for answering!
clary_simon13 posted over a year ago
u know we are teens and her sister is just a child.she simply can`t understand the books or the personality of bella and ofc all the..hmmmm...loving scenes
AdaLove posted over a year ago
peaceluvnmejay said:
twilight mayb new moon not eclipse or breaking dawn though
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posted over a year ago 
ok thanks you guys!
clary_simon13 posted over a year ago
Madeline_Cullen said:
my sister is nine and read all the books even breaking dawn
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posted over a year ago 
wow is your sis a good reader? mine isnt that great
clary_simon13 posted over a year ago
What did she say about the books?
tototo19 posted over a year ago
star2894 said:
I wouldn't.
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posted over a year ago 
loissss said:
tbf i think nine is too young for the books, but i guess it depends on the person really. but not breaking dawn for a while (: aha
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posted over a year ago 
twilight0girl said:
yeah.i would do twilight & new moon.but i would read the book to her.maybe till she hits 10 or 11 she's ready for eclipse & breaking dawn.
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yeah.i would do twilight & new moon.but i would read the book to her.maybe till she hits 10 or 11 she's ready for eclipse & breaking dawn.
posted over a year ago 
isaacson96 said:
my cousin she readsthem and shes only 8 years old
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posted over a year ago 
myliferox203 said:
noooooooooooooooooooooooo never in her life!!!!!
should she read them too inaproperit . nice try tho
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posted over a year ago 
i read them!
clary_simon13 posted over a year ago
heaps of people read them
KEWLIO posted over a year ago
Little_Cullen said:
I don't know. Even Twilight... In the movie they cut out a lot of the sexual tension, but in the book it's very raw, and real. Even though she may not understand it, it might be a bit... I don't know. But, apart from the sexual side of it, there is also James. Because we are all thirteen and over and we know it has a happy ending, I think we tend to forget how scary and disturbing it could be for a nine year old. A sadistic vampire who wants to bite a teenage girl and suck her blood, who tortures her first and films her as she tries to escape... to a young person thats probably as freaky as something like rape. And then, though we all probably cheer when Alice rips his head off, for a kid this could be quite disturbing. My ten year old sister had nightmares - but she is a woos, so... Still, I dunno. Consider the sexual side AND the violence and sadism though. :)
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posted over a year ago 
Plus she'd have to be quite a strong reader. I often have to fetch a dictionary and look up words ;) - does ANYONE know the meaning of 'Scheherazade style'? - New Moon, page 495
Little_Cullen posted over a year ago
i totally agree with you, but there are only a select few 9 yr olds who are mature enough and hav the ability to undestand and imagn correctly all of th sexual tension and romantic moods n all the books. this book is n the YOUNG ADULT section nt thie little kid, just learning how to read clear section, no disrespect
littlemiss_ME posted over a year ago
very true
123hihihi posted over a year ago
metalnaunx said:
I think it depends on what shes like, if she can handle it let her read the seires if she cant but still wants to read it read it too her an suger-coat it a lil
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posted over a year ago 
good idea
clary_simon13 posted over a year ago
TeamJacob202 said:
My mom has read all the books before me and my lil sister could read them. So have your mom read all the books before she can.
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posted over a year ago 
mcs50 said:
I'm not sure if a girl of 9 can understand them, well, maybe Twilight and New Moon, but not Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. You should ask your parents before give her the books, they know your sis better than us.
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posted over a year ago 
qtpievy said:
I think it all depends on how mature she is. But if you don't think she'll understand most of it then there is no point and besides I think she would thank you later when she can actually enjoy the book without thinking of what words mean.
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posted over a year ago 
tlm1018 said:
definately dont let her read breaking dawn!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
prettystar said:
you should let her read the twilight & new moon.but i think u should not let her read eclipse and breaking dawn for now....maybe when she's ten or twelve....maybe she will understand eclipse and breaking dawn in that age....just my opinion.
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posted over a year ago 
sessa123 said:
i think its best that yu wait till she is a little bit older only coz she might be too young to really understand the story line but there are heaps of other twilight things that you can get her into like buy he a necklace from the twilight movie, i even think she is to young yet to watch the movie let alone the books? hmm? so yeah wait till she is about 11 or 12 lol. Good Luck! hope this helped you :P
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posted over a year ago 
rob4eva said:
NO dont let her read them she is too young.
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posted over a year ago 
twiliholic17 said:
u r totally right to not let your sister read breaking dawn mainly cause its like rated r !!and i think you should your sister read twilight and that is allllllll
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posted over a year ago 
mrs_cullen1918 said:
I think that breaking dawn is a bit too mature for a 9 year old... the movie is ok though.
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posted over a year ago 
123hihihi said:
no not a gud idea she is a little young 2 read it and up there is some stuff in eclipse 2 so ya just not books that little kids should read. and just cause she like the movie is not a very gud reason there is a lot of stuff lef out in the movie and she most likely wount understand it. just dont. wait till he is about 12 or so
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posted over a year ago 
AdaLove said:
Omg she is only 9!It isn`t i don`t like Twilight or somethin but it is "Young Romance"...In Twilight maybe they haven`t got sex but all the time they KISS!Don`t ley her read 'em sweetie!Listen to me!My bro is 11 and he wanted to read " Harry Potter Books " and i made the mistake to LET him rad My BOOKS!then he almost destroyed 'rm and he read 'em in 1 year..omg..don`t let her coz in ur point i would think that she is TOO YOUNG
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posted over a year ago 
TwilightHearts said:
im only 11 and ive read the books three times.

you should let her read twilight and new moon, and wait till shes my age to read the other two.

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posted over a year ago 
Irina92 said:
i don't think that u should let her read the books at the moment... i mean i find her kind of young to read books about those subjects...u can let her have them when she's older, e.g. eleven. hope i helped! write me when u decide wat to do!:)
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posted over a year ago 
edwardlover1231 said:
ya u should let her read them i mean she might like them

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posted over a year ago 
katiecain said:
I think it should be up to your parents/guardian :)
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posted over a year ago 
Freya96 said:
ummmm twilight is fine and so is new moon but eclipse has goriness and breaking dawn has parts when edward and bella,
well they do something its very disturbing 4 a 9 yr old

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posted over a year ago 
darkfairy97 said:
it depends on how much she knows about life.
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posted over a year ago 
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