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Twilight Series Question

Who is your favorite Twilight character and Why?

 ally0128 posted over a year ago
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Twilight Series Answers

MJ-twilighter said:
Mine is Edward because he is really really great and he's not selfish - always thinks about others.And of course because he loves Bella so much that he's ready to die for her.I like him most because of many many other reasons but a whole day won't be enough to write them :)
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posted over a year ago 
Ome { Oh My Edward } Lol This Guy Or Girl Have The Best Answer I This Well i Voted You Girl Mj Your The Best Lol
NancyAz posted over a year ago
NancyAz posted over a year ago
okay O.O, dude or wait your a girl neva mind. let me say this in a clear way= you. need. to. get. over. a. fictional,character. Now. it isnt healthy (trust me i was once like you)
mylullaby posted over a year ago
calm down girl I LOVE Edward but I don't need to get over this fictional character because I know he's unreal.It's just my opinion for the best character
MJ-twilighter posted over a year ago
Brysis said:
Mine is Jacob and Emmett!
Jacob cause i love his personality and i love the fact he´s a werewolf ( i love werewolves) and Emmett cause he´s funny and strong and he has a special way to love and understand Rose that i admire!!!
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posted over a year ago 
jordie4fun posted over a year ago
Mine Is Dr.Carlisle Cullen because he is very hot a vampire and a very nice person
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Mine Is Dr.Carlisle Cullen   because he is very hot a vampire and a very nice person
posted over a year ago 
Ome Why Do You Like Dr Cullen Becouse He Is Hot OoO He Hot Kinda Ok ALot But Not Like his Son Son Edward' Well Edward I Will Exeplan Edward Is One Hot Cold Star And He Is To Cute like A Fat Kid Lol And He Is So So So So So So Sexy Like Me Lololololol
NancyAz posted over a year ago
i think you (NacyAz) should calm down alitte on the Edward talk, you scaring me.calm down and btw you will get over the edward craze every one does (i did) and he is only a character.
mylullaby posted over a year ago
NancyAz said:
Well Mine Is Edward Becouse Evey Girl Woode Die To Have Him He Is A Vampire And A True Best Friand Thats Why
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Well Mine Is Edward Becouse Evey Girl Woode Die To Have Him He Is A Vampire And A True Best Friand Thats Why
posted over a year ago 
O And Beocuse He Love bella So Much He Will Die For Her And he Preteces Her ALot When She Fallin And Stuff He Is just A Amazing Guy And All My Twilight Friand Love Them Thats Why
NancyAz posted over a year ago
mylullaby said:
i like bella and i know most girls dont because she is whiney and weak. but i found she is only whiney cuz she is in love (funny isnt it) and she is weak cause she is human and not all perfect like the cullens (until she is a vamp)

she reminds me of myself cause we are both shy,clumsy (like hell lol)and Unique.
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i like bella and i know most girls dont because she is whiney and weak. but i found she is only whiney cuz she is in love (funny isnt it) and she is weak cause she is human and not all perfect like the cullens (until she is a vamp) 

she reminds me of myself cause we are both shy,clumsy (like hell lol)and Unique.
posted over a year ago 
i yeah me too like bella and alice
ally0128 posted over a year ago
i like alice too but i think i like bella more
mylullaby posted over a year ago
MuesliBar1 said:
My favourite Charactor is and always will be Bella i think she is sooo pretty and humble i hope i can be like her and i love her asa vampire I WANT 2 B A VAMPIRE!!!
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posted over a year ago 
AdaLove said:
My favourite character is Alice.Alice is portrayed as being bubbly, tiny, and optimistic; loves and cares for Bella like a sister. She often ignores other people's advice and does things her own way, which usually results in the outcome being better than predicted. She loves to sing with music 3 octaves higher than the song really is with her silvery bell-like voice. She has vicarious fun dressing up Bella "like a three-dimensional paper doll" and throwing parties, and loves shopping at expensive shops in large malls. Alice seems to think that Bella should do everything a normal teenager should do (i.e. love to shop, party whenever possible, etc.) Alice, is also described as being a very fashionable person, going on massive shopping sprees with the money she helps her family make by predicting the stock markets. Alice very much enjoys buying Bella clothing. In Breaking Dawn, Esme furnishes a cottage for Edward and Bella, and Alice stocks the closet with an overflowing amount of clothing. Alice is often disappointed when Bella doesn't dress as she wishes. When Bella turns up wearing jeans and a t-shirt Alice says "Look at you, you need me to show you how to use your closet!" Her adoptive sister, Rosalie Hale shares her intense love for fashion. To Edward, Alice can also be very annoying, as he says in Eclipse when she is telling Bella about the graduation party.

She is very protective over Jasper and makes sure he keeps in line, as well as showing Jasper's warmer side when she is with him. I think her personality is like mine.
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posted over a year ago 
Wow i thought you were writing a book lol :)
MuesliBar1 posted over a year ago
AdaLove posted over a year ago
renesmee4757 said:
alice cullen and jane because there just so happy well alice is always happy most of the time but jane is unhappy most of the time so theres a happy side and theres an unhappy side
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posted over a year ago 
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