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Twilight Series Question

What is the meaning of every title in the Twilight titles refer to any significant event in the books?!

Tnx guys, that was really helpfull!!!
Bella0405 posted over a year ago
 Bella0405 posted over a year ago
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Twilight Series Answers

teamalice_0 said:
Twilight: the safest time for them to be together
New Moon: is when there is no moon and is the darkest time of bella's life
Eclipse: difficult to happen and a difficult choice between edward and jaccob
Breaking dawn: the turning point in her life
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posted over a year ago 
actually, Eclipse means that Jacob is eclipsed by edward.
burgundyeyes posted over a year ago
twilight0girl said:
i dont know for sure but maybe quotes

TWILIGHT " it's TWILIGHT." edward cullen again not totally sure. :}
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posted over a year ago 
daddiesgirl said:
The titles of the Twilight Saga are kind of confusing aren't they? I had the same question so I decided to check out Stephenie Meyer's website ( and she answers them on the page for the books under FAQ. I hope this helps you like it did me.
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posted over a year ago 
EdwardSoulMate said:
Duh the answers are so east to figure out!They all describe night and the vampire is the sign of night!New Moon is the different type of moon.Eclipse is when its pitch black and theres no moon and lastly breaking dawn is the stage after dawn!Plus I THINK I know what the next book name is but im not completely confident and sure about the answer.Are you ready...Midnight because thats in the exact middle of the night!I know im a genius and if you try to comment on mine and say its bad than you will die at midnight and your mom will kill your cat or dog or whatever pet you have(if you have a pet)or your dad will if you dont have a mom!If you dont have a pet some one that you really love will commit suicide and while your still alive me and bloody mary will haunt you because she is real i know it!Oh and edward will suck your blood!So you have been warned so dont comment bad or really bad or you will be punished even more harshly!Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!
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posted over a year ago 
you must be really hyper!! any way your answer was the worst!! haha!! lol am i ganna die?
babina posted over a year ago
i have no pet, i don't love anyone,your mary is afraid of me, i don't have blood,am not afraid of death haha!! lol
babina posted over a year ago
Yeah, I agree, ur a genius......:D (whatever u say, just don't mess with my cat, someone might get hurt, i have a demon cat, i called bloody mary, my cat freaked her out so she never comes to visit. And 'bout the Edward part, let him come, i have a lots to show him) :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D LOL Ur great!!!
Bella0405 posted over a year ago
channie_6991 said:
it's all got things to do with moons.

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posted over a year ago 
Balana07 said:
Twilight: the apple: temptation
New Moon: The flower- Beauty and the beast
Eclipse:The ribbon- Bella is torn between edward& jake
Breaking Dawn: the checker pieces- the white one is edward(white= bloodless, king, power)and bella is the red one(red=blood, being protected by the king: edward,pawn(piece)

this is my interperation anyways, and my friends agree
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posted over a year ago 
JesusR said:
Twilight-(The Time After The Sun Sets) Bella Enters 'The Night' (Edward)
New Moon-(The Darkest Part Of A Lunar Cycle) Bella's Moon (Edward) Dissapears From The Night.
Eclipse-(When The Moon Crosses Over The Sun) Bella Chooses The Moon (Edward) Over The Sun (Jacob)
Breaking Dawn-(The Beginning Of A New Day) Bella Enters Another Life.
Midnight Sun-(When The Sun Appears In A Night) Edward Is Experiencing His 'Midnight', And The Sun (Bella) Brightens It.
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posted over a year ago 
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