Twilight Series Okay, can you guys tell me why you hate Jacob so much?!

twilovers posted on Jun 06, 2008 at 08:15PM
I just want to know because most ppl cant give me a reason!?

Twilight Series 10 replies

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over a year ago cheergeek said…
I'd like a REASONABLE reason too.
over a year ago mrsblack_1089 said…
No kidding! c'mon edward lovers! whats wrong with jake anyways? in my opinion edward is too overprotective. if u've read the first chapter of bd then you'll know that edward bought bella 4,000 pounds of body armor with MISSLE proof glass! What's up with that? And Jacob might not exactly shadow her every move, making sure she is ok but he still looks after her. ESPECIALLY when she was freezing to death in Eclipse. favorite chapter out of all the books by the way. :D

Reasonable reasons, people!!!
over a year ago Kirsty said…
Chillax kids, I can tell you that as a faithful member of Team Edward I do not hate Jake, I merely prefer Edward. People probably just dislike him because he gets in the way of their favourite ship, just like mrsblack_1089 clearly prefers Jacob (thought it's confusing why there is Edward-bashing on a Jacob themed thread).

Seriously, if you want to see how long this can last for, just visit the One Tree Hill Boards. The Peyton-Brooke debate appears to be an epic battle of the Highlander variety.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago layla_14 said…
I love jacob so much! how could you hate him! and I would like to know why people hate him so much as well?!!?
over a year ago surfen_cutie09 said…
I love both of them to, it's just that Bella (lolo and so do i) knows that Edwards going to love her forever, with Jacob he could imprint on someone else and just forget about her. Plus Jacob is Bella's soul mate in her lifetime but Edward is her soul mate out of everyone for all eternity (in my opinion lol!).
over a year ago cheergeek said…
I can understand that he gets in the way of your 'favorite ship' yeah, I know.. but honeslty people they arn't going away.

plus try and look at the story through the poor kids eyes. I think Jacob's story is the sadest so far.. he doesn't have a pretty wedding in his future with HIS first love.
over a year ago Bandgeek_XP said…
I don't hate Jake but people probably don't like him cause were seeing it though Bella's eyes and there's really not that love attration to Jake like she had to I'm guessing that's why people don't like him and with a silly (but awsome) fandom were bound to have some haters right?
over a year ago funnyshawna said…
yeah, i think that if it was the other way around; if bella was in love with jacob from the beginning, and edward was the one trying to break them up, people would be hating on edward the way they are about jacob now. people only hate jake because he is trying to braek up the perfect couple. which is totally unreasonable.

also, i notice that no jake haters are answering this, so they must not have any real reasons (other than what i just said).
the people who love jake and are trying to convince the jacob haters that he is a good person are also a lot more sucessful, and have better reasons for their opinions than the people who want jacob dead.
im not gonna go into all the reasons why i like jake, cos this is for haters of jacob to state their reasons, i just wanted to say that.
over a year ago surfen_cutie09 said…
you are right, no jake haters are actually answering this
even if i love edward so much more but, i really like jake
over a year ago Phoenix315 said…
well for me one reason was the already mentioned fact that he just gets in the way of my favorite ship. i know thats a lame reason but sometimes you can't help it.

also bella and edward need each other more that bella and jacob do. when edward was gone bella was a wreck even with jacob. sure she could be happy with him but she'd always have a hole in her heart from edward that jacob could never fix. and im sure she'll have a little one from jacob now if she stays with edward but not nearly as bad. and ofcourse there's always the risk of jacob imprinting on someone else, leaving bella completely crushed and alone.

and then i think edward needs her more than jacob does. he's been around for over a hundred years and really has been all alone. he has his family but they all have someone they love. edward didn't really come alive, smile, laugh, and be happy, until bella and i would hate to think he would have to live an eternity like an empty shell without her. and i think edward is more attached and would never move on but i think jacob could, even without imprinting.

and i know some people don't like edward alsobecause of his over-protectiveness, which i agree he is over protective, but you must see it from his view. being human compared to the invulnerablility of a vampire is sooo fragile and then you have to add on bella's extra clumsiness and being a magnet to danger. he's just so terrified of losing her. i think that once she's a vampire he'll relax because then she wont be so vulnerable.

those are all the points i can think of right now. and lastly i'd like to say that i don't hate jacob. he's a nice kid. i just am sick of him going after bella and being so pushy about it. he tried and it didnt work out and he needs to just try and move on. i really do feel sorry for him because he is sweet so i really hope he can move on and imprint. i guess then i'm not really a jacob hater. sometimes i think i hate jacob but i dont, its just a reaction to edward hating comments. and wow that was long, longest think i ever wrote on fanpop. hope it helps.
last edited over a year ago