Twilight Series OME Theory about the Breaking Dawn Preface and Foreshadowing!!

aanniiee_ posted on Jul 14, 2008 at 02:47AM
AH! Ok, I've been thinking about this theory I've got and I'm feeling pretty confident about it-PLEASE, post your thoughts and responses!!!!

So summed up, the preface tells us that there is someone Bella desperately and truly loves that wants to kill her, for reasons unknown to us. She can't bring herself to feel properly frightened, however, because giving her life would, somehow, make this person happy. (and I know there's some uncertainty about whether the "killer" is Jake or Edward, but I think that all of the details undoubtedly point at Edward)

So then after reading the preface, and I was reminded of that dream that Bella gets a few times throughout the series: She's running through the forest and Jake is telling her to run. She then hears a yelp (presumably Jake as a werewolf) and I believe she also hears Mike Newton at some point. She then sees Edward emerge through the trees looking, of course, beautiful, yet incredibly murderous, and he motions her forward...and even though she sees that he wants to kill her, she can't seem to be able to run away or feel repulsed...
(Sorry, I can't really remember all of the details and I don't feel like looking through the books to find it ;) haha)

So then I had this sudden idea: maybe the dream was foreshadowing the Preface aka the final climax of Breaking Dawn. Maybe the dream will actually come true. It's all there: Edward wanting to kill Bella and Bella not being able to bring herself to run away.

And also, all three previous prefaces have pointed to the seemingly certain death of someone, but no one has died like the prefaces have suggested...making me believe that this preface also won't come true.

*sigh* long post...SO! any thoughts at all!?
last edited on Jul 14, 2008 at 02:49AM

Twilight Series 31 replies

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over a year ago officefan2010 said…
okay so ive been thinking a lot lately about what may happen in breaking dawn, and i have this feeling someone may die, and i think that someone may be our beloved jacob.
dont get me wrong i love jacob to death, and find myself on team jacob half the time, but i remeber reading some list of what will NOT happen in BD, and the only thing that was set in stone was that bella, edward, alice, and jasper wouldnt die. to me that leaves jake way out in the open.
im sorry thats kinda going away from what you were saying but i thought i would bring that up.

i like your theory though. ive definitely been reading some darn good ones out there, and honestly just cannot wait for august 2nd!!
over a year ago aanniiee_ said…
Oh no, that's totally not going away from what I was saying at all!, I was just focusing more on the Preface and Bella & Edward here. And because I actually do think that it's very possible Jake might die
over a year ago kttykatkate said…
Uh oh. I don't want Jake to die at all! But those theories do make sense..

This part totally goes away from your theory and I know we have no reason to think they would be in any danger, plus it would be silly for Stephenie Meyer to give too big a list of who definitely will not die, but Esme, Carlisle, Emmett, and Rosalie are all in the open, too. And the Volturi aren't exactly a non-threat- they still don't like the size of the Cullen family and as Bella is intending to join, adding another member, do you think there might be trouble?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago emma-jeff said…
I'd never thought of that!!! I think your right, I mean why else would Stephenie put all those dreams in? Good thinking aanniiee!
over a year ago starry-eyed said…
*screams* i really hope that Edward doesn't try 2 kill bella!!!!!! *small cry* if he does i will scream, throw the book down, then unwillingly pick it back up and finish it....i can't even dare 2 think it!!! i mean hes already been able 2 stop himself once (in twilight when he has 2 suck the venom out) so why would this happen now???????? im so confused.......>_<..........*brain goes crazy*
over a year ago aanniiee_ said…
ah, emma-jeff, thanks! Idk, it's just a theory, but it makes sense I think!
over a year ago officefan2010 said…
i want to reply to something kttykatkate said.
the reason im going straight to thinking jacob may die is because he is a MAJOR character, and one that i think she would like so calm our worries about not dying.
idk, i just got this funny feeling hes not gonna make it.
over a year ago cheergeek said…
*sobs* I've been thinking that too.
it could be Jacob.. (I just don't say anything, because fangirls will use it against me)
over a year ago mandapanda said…
great theory. i kinda think you are correct. that would be freakin awesome. but edward wont kill her. i know that as a fact. :)
over a year ago cheergeek said…
Jacob's death would be awesome ='[?
over a year ago chels05 said…
I don't want anyone to die. Plus, its weird to think that Edward would suddenly loose control. I mean, hasn't he been starting to kinda get used to it? What would make him suddenly want to kill her?
over a year ago chels05 said…
oh, but it is a great theory :P. And it makes sense because of all the dreams she had,like what emma-jeff said, what other reason would she put them in the book?
over a year ago twilight_loser said…
this doesen't really go w/ what you are saying but i think jake might somehow meet the denali clan of vampires in alaska. i think so b/c he is in northern canada and in one of the breaking dawn quotes tanya is back. its just a random theory.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago the_queen said…
have you noticed the front cover picture of BD ?
the chess piece is a queen and according to the rules in chess it is the most powerful piece. the red pawn at the back, seems insignificant and not as important as the queen. The queen is the most protected piece in a game of chess and who is the most protected person in the book ? BELLA !
Now in Eclipse Aro was curious about bella's future abilities if she became a vamp. Seeming as Edward cannot read bella's mind the volturi were concerned about how powerful she would be. The queen on the front cover looks like it is going to destroy the red pawn, WHO IS THE RED PAWN ?
over a year ago starry-eyed said…
OMG!!! i can't think about it anymore!! >_< its 2 confusing and it makes me sad to think about any1 dying!! and stephanie only said that Bella Edward Alice and Jasper were gonna live!!! i know that it would break Stephanie's heart to have to write about Jake dying cuz she said that she's on team Jacob *growls* (team Edward ROCKS) but anyway i don't think that she would be able to write that without crying like a baby! lol so0o0o0o im not exactly sure whats gonna happen! lol at least we have the quotes to help us! only 15 days left!!!!!
^-^ YAY!!!
over a year ago --Kp said…
the_queen: I really like ur theory... i also have my own to mention regarding the cover...
Notice the colours of the pieces? In eclipse the robert frost poem at the start was called "Fire and Ice".. and the two chess peices are a snowy white and blood red.. My own theory is that they represent Edward [who is up front, the queen, unstoppable in all his glory as the queen is free to move as many spaces, in any direction] and Jacob [who is helpless in the background, the pawn, unable to move anywhere but forward one space at a time].
To me, it looks like the queen isn't going to destroy the red pawn, but more as if it is stepping ahead of it.. the victor in the end.
over a year ago anawisa said…
I believe that it is a great theory...But I believe that the prefaceof BD refers to the moment into which Bella is going to be transformed to vampire...In the preface Bella says that she's going to be murdered by someone whom she loves ... so this is my theory: The preface speaks about the fear that Bella feels when Edward is going to finish with her human life to transform her into a vampire.
We must remember that they think that they do not have soul, which is the same thing that to be dead
that's why in the preface Bella speaks about the transformation as if she was speaking about her death.
the theory is strage but it is how is interpret the preface
over a year ago HisTypeOfHeroin said…
What is the person that is trying to kill her is Mike because he got sick of her turning him down and he went psyco or something.
over a year ago the_queen said…
haha HisTypeOfHerion i love that idea, it would be a definite twist if it was that.. anyway regarding my other comment, i think that its jacob shes going to kill and the preface is absolutely about edward, nobody else is trying to kill her...well except for the volturi but she doesnt love them? soo yes it is EDWARD. :D
over a year ago starry-eyed said…
there is no other person besides EDWARD who Bella would call her beloved.....xcept if she went crazy and is 4 sum reason calling Jake that.....i REALLY hope that's not the case....which it probably isn't soooo all that leaves is her beloved: EDWARD!! oh, well i guess we'll all just have 2 wait the next painfully suspenseful last 14 days until we can FINALLY know for sure!
over a year ago the_queen said…
GAHHHH im going to hate the next 2 weeks, thank god i didnt read the books last year....i only got the books 2 weeks ago LOL i havent been a twilighter for long but i still love them all the same. jeez im soo excited hehe cant wait !
over a year ago alycarp said…
i hope edward kills bella. she gets on my nerves
over a year ago burnedivory said…
IDK if anyone thought of this but in order for Bella to become a vampire she has to die.. So the preface could just be foreshadowing that very point.
over a year ago aanniiee_ said…
i don't think that it's foreshadowing her becoming a vampire, because she's looking forward to the preface, she seems genuinely scared and very unprepared for whatever's about to happen to her
over a year ago emma-jeff said…
YOur theory made me think of another theory!!! Maybe Bella's special talent when (if) she becomes a vampire will be something like Alices's. Maybe she will be able to see the future in dreams or something like that.
over a year ago mrsblack_1089 said…
that makes total sense!!!

my theories are:
1) edward and know...and edward gets too tempted by her blood/body whatever and tries to kill her.
2) bella is changed and the cullens/hales/quileutes are fighting and bella sees jake fighting and thinks about the 3rd wife again and yeah...

but the dream is a VERY good idea. nice! ;)
over a year ago burnedivory said…
I was thinking about all of the Quileute legends the other night and it got me thinking about her dream that she also has... Like you guys have said maybe that is like a climatic part but what has bothered me is Mike's involvement in the dream. So, is he more important than we think he is in the series- because he knows that Bella is in danger in her dream and wants her to run.

What I was thinking was that maybe this is kind of like her wedding day and Jake comes back to take her away and Edward tries to stop him and thats why he turns into the wolf and attacks edward... Also, that would give Mike a reason to be there... at the wedding.

Also, I was thinking maybe the third wife has more to do with the series. For instance, she loves two mortal enemies A wolf and a Vampire.. So, im not sure.

Also, I was looking at the daily quotes trying to wonder how Tanya gets involved.. and then it struck me that maybe they come back to avenge Laurent's death against the Werewolves because he was mates with the one Denali vampire...

I know its long sorry
over a year ago cjwachsmuth said…
my theory is that edward is changing her into a vampire and he is technocally killing her. it's hurting her, but she loves him and she wants to be with him forever, so she lets him bite her.
over a year ago tisha said…
Ok I've read through all of these comments and all I have to say is that we'll find out soon enough.
only 12 hrs and 56 mins left! (for those of us in the U.S.)

and aanniiee you should have said OME lol
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago alicecullen12 said…
if edward leaves, or kills bella i will burn the book
over a year ago aanniiee_ said…
pahahaha tisha, you're right, i shoulda! ...ok i just changed it ;]