Twilight Series The Edward Girls And The Jacob Girls

starry-eyed posted on Jul 18, 2008 at 06:18PM
First off PLEASE don't just not read this just because it's long, it IS worth it!

okay, there has been a lot of fighting between the Edward girls and the Jacob girls, and i think i've figured out why: *clears throat*

ok lets discuss Jake's characteristics:

Jake= funny,reckless,active,caring,the kind of guy who would be ur best friend, right? he would be ur buddy u would go places 2gether, have fun doing stupid things, thats the kind of guy Jake is.

ok, now lets discuss Edward's characteristics:

Edward= romantic,protective,sweet,caring, the kind of guy who would be (in my opinion) the perfect boyfriend. the type of boyfriend who can make you feel safe and loved, he can 'whisper sweet nothings in your ear' so to speak. the kind of boyfriend who you would take on moonlit walks and eat at little candlelit cafe's, the romantic type. that's the type of guy Edward is.

now the way that i see it those are the two usual types of boyfriends, right? so that means there are two usual types of girlfriends.

the type who like their boyfriends jake style: to be the funny and and fun type, so they can go do stuff like traveling and active things like hiking or diving with you. and he knows how to crack a joke whenever the atmosphere is tense and make you laugh and feel good!

And then there are the girlfriends who like their boyfriends Edward style (im 1 of them): romantic, sweet, and protective. the kind of guy who you take to see movies and go to Paris and have walks along the beach where you tell each other how much you love them. and he'll do whatever it takes to make you happy, and whenever sumthing bad happens he's always there to save you and make you feel better!

i really hope that helps people to understand the simple reason why sum girls like Jake and why sum girls like Edward: they like different kinds of boyfriends!

PLEASE comment and tell me what you think!! ^-^

bty, PLEASE don't take this the wrong way!! i wasn't trying to offend anybody, just trying to tell the Jake fans the reason why the Edward fans like Edward and vise-versa! thanx so0o0o much for reading this long forum, i hope it was worth it and it helped in some way shape or form!! lol ^-^ (GO TEAM EDWARD!) =D
last edited on Jul 18, 2008 at 10:27PM

Twilight Series 6 replies

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over a year ago emma-jeff said…
I think your right lol! I don't really have anything to add on the matter because you seem to have summed it up :D
over a year ago cheergeek said…
haha.. I still Like both.

I think we are split just because people have different opinions... everyone's different.
over a year ago Wordwok said…
That's true.... But, I prefer the Edward type guys. Yet I prefer Jake to Edward. >=[ I confuse myself. I like ur sum up of everthing. =]
over a year ago cheergeek said…
hey, I comfuse myself alot too XD

and I think Jacob can be caring also, in his defense.

over a year ago i_luv_twilight said…
yeah this was really good cuz most of the time ppl comment on how bad the other one is and not how good they are. good job keeping it positive and looking to the brighter side of it....
over a year ago cole101 said…
i luv the way u put it. totally true. it needed to be read and all the girls need to realize wat u mean.

BTW go Edward he is my type for sure. lol.