Twilight Series My views on the Movie (Just saw it!!!)

layla_14 posted on Dec 19, 2008 at 08:33PM
I thought the movie was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­o Good and that was not what I was expecting! It was amazing the whole thing!
The only thing I hated was (sorry Edward/Rob fans) Rob, he couldn't act! I'm sorry to say this but he couldn't.

I couldn't sit still, and when Jacob came on that is it my heart stopped beating, that's how much I love HIM, TAYLOR WAS AMAZING!!!
so was charlie, James, Bella (I don't like bella but I thought that Kristen did a good job, Eric, Mike, Jessica, Embry, Sam, the cullens -1 etc.

It was so good! there are no word to describe how good it was!

now I want to know what your views of the movie!
did you like/ did you hate it? Why???

Twilight Series 20 replies

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over a year ago Moneik said…
i thought Rob was a great actor.. :S Lol.
i think Kristen couldv done better in some scenes but she was a good Bella :D

so you didnt find some parts a little.. corny?
i thought Charlie was hilarious.. Lol.

i didnt think the movie flowed very well, esp. Bella's relationship with Edward.. it was a bit jumpy. But i'd go watch it again in the cinemas.. which i am doing on Monday.. :D

my favourite scene's probly the baseball scene..
its was AMAZING!
over a year ago Fantasy_Addict said…
Hey! Moneik, I completly agree with your comment on how the movie flowed. That was the first thing I told my BFF when we got out of the theater. Charlie was so hilarious! The whole thing with the gun was one of my favorite scenes. The baseball scene was AMAZING! Jasper was particularly hot in that scene. It was a pretty good movie and I liked it, but like all movies that are based on novels, it was no where near as good as the book.
over a year ago american_reject said…
The baseball scene was amazing. I loved the movie! I thought that it was so good, but I loved Robert Pattinson and I thought that Kristen Stuart was really good too. I had not read the books yet when I watched the movie, so after watching the movie, I started ready the book and it is so good as well. I just loved it all!

Charlie was HILARIOUS!♥
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Moneik said…
no offense i do like Jasper, but he looked so rigid and [as some other twilighter put it] constipated throughout the entire movie.
i know he's suppose to look like he's in pain and everything but still, not like that.. :S
and he wasn't even acknowledged in the movie!
they had a perfect chance to include him in, like when edward was talking about their powers.. he only mentioned alice's and his. :/
over a year ago layla_14 said…
now I uderstood why Jasper was the way he was even though he looked constipated but Edward also looked constipated too, and I'm not just saying this because I don't like him but it's true.
The baseball scene was amazing!!!!!!!!! One of my fav scene (the only ones that topped it was all the Jacob scenes!!!) I also loved the ballet studio scene, James was so good, he really was a good James. But the only thing they could of done better is to actually make Edward sparkle! that was not sparkling that was sweating! and get Bella to wear some trousers apart from that I loved the rest!
over a year ago Moneik said…
you dont like Edward or Rob? :| Lol.
I don't understand how Edward's sparkling looks like sweat.. a lot of people have been saying that! You can totally see the little crystals imbedded on him..
When i was reading the book i actually thought the light from the sun was gonna reflect off his body more than the movie showed.. but yeah.
over a year ago HarryPotterFan said…
I saw the movie yesterday in the UK and the one word that comes to mind when describing the film is: rushed.
*Takes a deep breath*
This is gonna be a long’un..
I really tried to be objective when watching the film; to appreciate it as a separate entity from the book but I just couldn’t. Book to film adaptations have always been disappointing – I have no doubt they will continue to be. Anyway sorry to transgress, back to my point, the screenplay (the parts that were left in the movie that is) was laughable and the acting sometimes was definitely below par in my opinion. Is it just me or does when Edward/Robert is introducing himself to Bella, he just sounds British?
I have two main criticisms. The first is I felt dialogue was too obvious.I believe Meyer writes with subtlety and deliberate slowness. To be fair, I read Rosenberg’s supposedly complete screenplay and it has good development and depth, however there were too many scenes cut from the movie.
I know, I know. A movie cannot possibly stay completely true to a book’s plot and it must be compressed otherwise it would be a 4+ hour film (I wouldn’t have minded seeing this version if it was better than the current). By cutting out crucial development scenes, lost are the little details that captured the essence of the book i.e. wretched angst and Bella’s constant self-deprecating attitude. Some parts were incredibly corny, I laughed out loud at the biology when Edward is gagging/covering his nose. I found myself cringing multiple times.
My second key criticism is how absolutely rushed the film felt. A guy and girl meet, guy dislikes girl, BAM they fall in love. So when Edward announces he has been watching her sleep for months, there’s a vibe of psychopath instead of an intrigue for her and her thoughts. I was literally incredulous about how little development there was. To quote from an article by odd-duck: “They went from animosity to inseparable in what felt like 12-seconds-flat, leaving the impression that this was just a bad case of puppy love (or lust).” (link)
I really missed the “blood-typing” scene, they left it out because they were too many scenes similar to it I think. But I would have liked to see Edward play the hero again, and to enjoy the ironic content of the scene. I also sorely missed the canteen scenes when it’s just Edward and Bella to a table, and I wish they had fleshed out the hotel scene to develop Alice and Bella’s relationship.

Smaller criticisms now and I might be being pedantic to highlight these but still... I know they had a small budget but they couldn’t have edited out the noticeable outer ring of Robert’s contact lenses? And as for the “sparkling”, I was prepared for the worst but it wasn’t horrific although it reminded me of someone smothering Rob in gold glitter.

Believe it or not, I do have some praise for the movie. I have the highest respect for the people involved in scouting out the locations. Most of the natural locations included were stunning.
Additionally, I loved the depiction of certain scenes:
1)The baseball scene was amazing in terms of visual effects and the building of tension.
2)The scene where Bella explains to Charlie why she has to leave was heart-rending; I felt this was one of the best acted scenes of the whole movie.
3)The final scene at prom under the lights, a true indulgence for my inner romantic.
4) I also loved the part where Edward and Bella are in the truck trying to get away from James, well executed and well directed.
5)The kissing scene = Wow. They went further than I thought they would.
6) I loved all the elements of the battle scene and again great acting.
I’m fond of some of the little touches such as Edward hacky-sackying(?) the apple as well as Edward’s “killer look” in Port Angeles.

I have to hand it to Rosenberg; she knows how to deliver the jokes. On more than one occasion I was laughing, and not because of the corniness. My favourites are:
1)Edward: Sex, money, sex, money, cats
2)Tyler: I’m sorry Bella, I’m really -
*Charlie yanks curtain*
3) Jessica: She was right about this halter, it does look great.
Later.. Bella points out Jess’ cleavage at prom.
4) Charlie: Alright, bring him in.
*Cocks rifle*
5) Rene: Are you being safe?
Did anyone else notice when Billy Black gave the weirdest evil eye to Edward as they pass in the road? Haha.

Finally to unleash the fangirl in me, Rob looked so HOT in the scene where he and Kristin are sheltering from rain under trees, and Taylor looked pretty good too *swoon*. Sad to hear they’re replacing him.

I acknowledge my view is biased as I’ve read the book and so compared it to the film but I went with 2 friends who had not read the book and they both agreed the film lacked depth and development. Okay so now I’ve expressed all my criticisms, I’ll watch the movie again and try to enjoy it more, focusing on the positive aspects. When it comes out on DVD, I hope they include a whole lot of the missing scenes in the extras.
Right, this is just my opinion, please don’t hate me those who love the movie.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago layla_14 said…
No it does look like sweat, he is sweating, and they just put some glitter on him to make it look like he sparkled, and I HATE BOTH ROB AND EDWARD, ROB IS A TERRIABLE ACTOR AND EDWARD IS A HORRIBLE CHARACTER, SO ALL IN ALL I HATE THEM BOTH!
over a year ago spunkransom2363 said…
Omg! how can you say edward is a horrible character? Edward is the essence of twilight...he is what makes the book. and jacob on the other hand i really don't like...taylor lautner did a great job...but as a character i dont like him. i also dont like how bella was played by kristen. an article about the movie was written in my school newspaper."Stweart who lacks all expression known to human beings (unless exessive blinking counts)." this could not be more true seriously all she did was blink...the camera would close in on her face and she would blink again and again and again. all in all the movie was more than i was absoloutley fabulous!!!!!

what does everyone think about Catherine not directing New Moon??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Fantasy_Addict said…
I liked the Twilight movie and Catherine's directing style, but some things could've been better. I'm hoping that Chris Weitz will be able to bring New Moon to its full cinematic potential.
over a year ago cullenluva17 said…
Omc! I loved the movie and the book they were soooo awesome and now they are going to make a New Moon movie I can't wait and I think Chris will make it way more like the book thanCatherine did (i hope). little New Moon spoiler!!: I can not believe Edward left Bella when I read that I was like screaming and crying for like a half hour and I waz like "No Edward please don't leave Bella like this she loves you and now you are her life so don't leave her please!!!!!!
over a year ago cullencrazay9 said…
First of all I want to say that i agree 100% with HarryPotterFan! I have the same opinion on the movie!
Well I am totally obessed with the books! Now for the movie I thought it was okay but it could have been better. The reason is because it was nothing like the book and I know that it couldn't be exactly like the book but certain scenes could have been way more like the book.
This is what I thought of the cast:
1) I don't think that Rob is a good Edward at all because he just isn't beautiful enough to be Edward if you imagine as Edward as perfect and wonerful as I do.
2) I think Kristen was horrible! When she spoke she spoke with absolutly no emotion and I couldn't stand it!
3) Taylor was okay I guess. I can't say much about him.
4) For Rosalie I didn't think she was that pretty and definitly not pretty enough to play Rosalie. I mean she is supposed to be the prettiest girl on Earth and I know girls prettier then her!
5) For Jasper I thought he looked abslutly horid! I mean he looked like he was so stressed and he isn't like that! Plus I can't stand what they did to his hair!
6) I thought Alice was pretty good I mean she had most of Alice's feature's.
7) Emmett was ok and I can't say much about him.
8) Carlisle if you ask me looked like he was 40 or older!
9) I can't say much about Esme she was okay.
10)Charlie looked way to old if you ask me.
11) Billy just looked really bad.
12) James was not so great but i can't really say much.
13) Victoria was nothing like Victoria if you ask me.
14) Laurent was absolutly nothing like Laurent in my mind.
So that's really all I can say besides that I have a feeling Chris will make the movie much better than Catherine! :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Moneik said…
Fantasy_Addict i agree with everything you said bout the directors. Every single word of it, lol.

Layla, he is so not sweating. >_____<! Lol.
You're actually the first person i know or heard of that really doesn't like Edward.
Did you like him in the books? :S
over a year ago kristenchappell said…
i liked it too but i thought the relationship was shown as it shouldve been it felt awkward which is part of it but you couldnt see the love that you read in the books.

haha my favorite scence was when he shows himself in the sun to her and when they kiss and shows that hes scared he will hurt her and how she just wants him. =]] i liked it though. wish it was longer
over a year ago layla_14 said…
I hate Edward both in th books and movie, I don't like him at all, he is just annoying, he gets on my nerves, in the first book he was ok, bu after that hated him, and when he left in new moon I wasn't crying I was laughing (I know this isn't a nice thing to say and I may be killed for saying it, but I was glad he left) because I wouldn't have to endure his annoying character no longer and on the plus side, we got to meet Jacob, and fall in love with him, I LOVE JACOB!
no in the movie he was sweating, he was I don't care if people say he is sparkling he wasn't sparkling!
man! cullencrazay9 you really hated the movie!
and Edward is not the essence twilight, the thing that really made the movie great was Jacob if we didn't see him or if he wasn't in the movie, do you think I would of went to see it??? No!
and i'm not actuaaly the first person to hate Edward there are many out there who are like me, we see Edward for what he really is.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nataliejade said…
First impression's i didn't like it that much, It was nothing like the book. I thought the actors were really well picked though.

It was so cheesy, like when Edward first saw Bella in Science the faces he made, made me laugh so much lol!

I loved the baseball scene though, that was amazing!

I thought overall the film was too rushed, it missed out lots of important scenes from the book.
over a year ago Moneik said…
laughing? lol righteo.. :|
yeah i know youre not the first.. maybe i didn't say it the right way. i meant youre the first person that is actually decently open about it. in this spot.

btw, i wasn't having a go at anyone in this entire forum. :D
over a year ago emma-jeff said…
I thought Rob was amazing :D I must admit that his accent did slip up a few times but I thought that added to the character. I actually thought that Kristen was a but flat but I still think she did an okay job :D
over a year ago cullencrazay9 said…
I agree with you layla_14 I mean about the sweating not sparkling! It really did look like sweat! Although I really do love Edward in the book I did hate the movie like you said!
I also agree it is completly stupid to get rid of Taylor!!!
Well as i said I just hope that New Moon will be better :)
over a year ago cullenluva17 said…
I agree with both cullencrazay9 and layla_14 Rob was sweating and he was a horrible actor and he was not beautiful AT ALL!!!!! I do not think they should get rid of Taylor because he was one of the few good actors in that movie and I cannot beleive you layla_14 I can't believe you don't like Edward in the book (I don't blame you if you hate Rob), but EDWARD one of the most beautiful vampires that has ever exsited!!!!! I agree with you 100% on everything else you said, but you proved me wrong I thought it was impossible for a person that read the book to hate Edward Cullen but, hey I guess I was wrong and everybody is entitled to their own opinion.