Twilight Series The Nerve of Some People

Ovybo posted on Mar 10, 2009 at 11:52PM
Some anti-Twilight people made a spot called "Sick of Twilight". Check it out. They are totally dissing us!

Twilight Series 40 replies

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over a year ago laureng114 said…
People can have their own opinions but,

IF you really dislike it then why must you talk about it..?
over a year ago mandavamp said…
I'm with laureng114. It's cool if people don't like Twilight. It's just not going to suit the fancy of every book reader or movie goer. I just can't believe people waste time and energy being so negative. Oh and creating a spot about it is just a bit much.
over a year ago Twilight597 said…
i totally agree with laureng114 people can have there own opinion if they like it or not but if you have to say bad things about it just keep them to yourself
my mom always says if you haven't got anything good to say, don't say anything at all
over a year ago twilitesagafan said…
i'm new and i'm with u geys if they dont like it then they dont have to sho to every single person in the world that has a computer!
over a year ago xoxinkheartxox said…
people can think what they want, if they dont like it its up to them, but thats not stopping me with been totally obessed with Twilight and im proud of it! lol plus i just checked out the spot and it only has like 5 fans lol face it ppl Twilight rules!! he he
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alice_President said…
I have seen it, it's really sad because there is only 2 picks, no videos, no images. There is NOTHING there but 5, yes FIVE, people dissing us. We are over 16290 people, we can totally take them!
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over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
Well everyone is different and I agree with r-pattz. At least one of the 5 fans have read the book and didnt like it. So that's their opinion. If they dont like then they dont. But we also have the right to love the book, like they hate it.
over a year ago pixie09 said…
ahahhahaa wat a bunch of idiots, think that is they didnt like it they wouldnt talk bout it .. sad no life people ..
over a year ago Yannixtah said…
I do agree with you guys..some people may hate it and everyone may love it..and to those who hate twilight,don't waste your time on it 'coz you can't stop us on loving it..and if you are just going to criticize something without knowing would be better just to keep your mouth shuT!!!
over a year ago 7_steph_7 said…
if you hate twilight, why create a club about it? they are entitled to their opinion, likwe are to ours, but the club is a little over the top, dontcha think?
over a year ago 7_steph_7 said…
okay, i just checked it out, it has 6 people adn a pic that says "every time someone reads twilight, a kitten dies. THINK OF THE KITTENS." its stupid. (not being mean, it just is.) and that dracula hates twilight. i mean, its not like were over here sayin, "oh, we hate every other vampire except the cullens and all the cullen friends and whoever else thinks different is stupid." i like other vampires and im sure most of you do too, probably, or you wouldnt have wanted to even check out a movie with vampires. anyway, theyre sayin bad things about us, when all were doin is mindin our business readin or watchin twilight, new moon, etc...
over a year ago rimo said…
they obviously have no taste
and they must be full of hate
over a year ago Ovybo said…
Thanks to those of you who did not criticize me.
over a year ago twilightfan2347 said…
it gets on my nerves when people say they hate twilight and they havent even read the book or watched the movie!
over a year ago sinai114 said…
wow. cant believe it? well they can get "Sick of twilight" all they want meanwhile im still loving it baby!!
over a year ago HerMelody said…
Amazing - they are sick of Twilight, so they've made a spot with the intentions of talking about Twilight.
The logic of some people is startling.
Like I've said already elsewhere, if they don't like Twilight, they could simply just ignore all the hype. Look away. Tune it out. Pay attention to other things. But instead they're obsessing about our obsessions... what a bunch of morons. I'm sorry but, really, isn't this kind of.. unintelligent?
over a year ago Ovybo said…
Yeah! Thanks!
over a year ago twilightbandlol said…
the ONLY way some ppl can be as STUPID as that is if: A) They have a mental problem... B)They secretly love it but want to stand out... C) They didnt read the book OR D) They are jealous of everyone in the book. :):):) whos with me????
over a year ago cullencrazay9 said…
I'm with ya twilightbandlol. Can someone please check my forum and give me some advice bacause it is simalar to this and I am confused. Thank you. o_____0
over a year ago cullengirl1597 said…
over a year ago cullengirl1597 said…
sorry 4 that temper tantrum it ticks me off i am a serious beyond serious twihard
over a year ago 123cosmo4 said…
Then shut the crap up! 18wanda is my twin sister and I want her alive. Everyone can have their own opinions and Wanda doesn't like Twilight.
over a year ago irunwithcullens said…
if you don't like something then keep it to yourself, some people can't do this though and that upsets me.

oh well the twilight lovers totally out number the twilight haters so we can take them down if nessesary !
over a year ago Bella_Smells said…
No offence but why are you wasting your energy obsessing over it.Its kinda the same thing wasting your energy being negative and positive
over a year ago jalicefan15 said…
They should keep there dislike for twilight to themselves and read the book
over a year ago r-pattz said…
dont worry about it. the only reason they made the spot was to make us mad. think about it. so by making this forum and responding to them, its only giving them what they want. ignore them.
over a year ago shellycane said…
I just wonder where all this people come from? Seriously. Does it matter to us what they think, no! People realize that they probably have a really empty life, probably they cant even read. So if we enjoy Twilight, or whatever.- lets be happy. If they are not with us, who cares? Its just lame, to fight something that you cant control. And look at the fans this or other twilight spots have, and you have the answer :D
over a year ago r-pattz said…
i just searched sick of twilight. no results.
over a year ago Ovybo said…
big smile
Fanpop keeps deleting it! But the Twilight-haters keep rebuilding it! Oh well.
over a year ago r-pattz said…
fanpop shouldnt delete it. everyone is entitled to their own opinions
over a year ago shellycane said…
Yeah but they will delete it, cause its a fan spot. And if you are against something, you are not a fan. Thats why fanpop does the right thing. :D
over a year ago r-pattz said…
ah... i get it now
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over a year ago metalnaunx said…
Uh.....twilight is the best but its not the best in the WHOLE world im not sayin its bad but twilight haters can hav a group an twilight lovers can hav a club like here so haters go to your club if your just gonna fight an lovers stay or go to your twilight spot
over a year ago r-pattz said…
exactly. but why bring it up again? last relpy 15 days ago
over a year ago twilight4ever97 said…
Well lots of people don't like Twilight...
Personally, I do, but not because it was "All The Rage",
But because I enjoy Stephenie Myers books.
So if haters want to have their own spot for hating, its better than hating on a page where the rest of us like it
over a year ago girlybella said…
Twilight isn't my type of book.

Anyway. I don't hate it because I love it. To be honest I've tried reading it and I didn't like it. I don't read books all about boy crazed girls and boys with abs and fangs.

Bite me.

Lulz. I just made a bad pun. Sorry guys. But I don't "Hate" twilight. I'm just not big on books about vampires. Seems a little to cliche'. Anyway. I've always been the black sheep when it comes to books. I hate Harry Potter and if the book even says the word "sexy" I'll put it down. I'm sorry but there is no point in reading or doing that sort of stuff when your (enter teen age here.) Anyway, call me devil's spawn but I'm sorry for being an individual 13 year old girl who is addicted to the Percy Jackson novels.

Besides. I'm not going to join either club because it is a waste of my precious youth. Why spend all your time hating things? I swear, chill out guys. So they don't like twilight. How would you feel if somebody talked about you this way just because you disliked... Say... Percy Jackson. To be honest I didn't even give those books a second glance until christmas 2010. Maybe one day I'll enjoy reading twilight. But for now I'm just one of you're sick little mortal enemies. Take a chill pill and go stare at a picture of Edward. Don't get so obsessed with things you enjoy. They're book characters, not real people. Sorry, but no matter how "Hawt" you think a person in a book is (unless of course it's an autobiography) you can't date them. So walk out of your room *cough* Edward shrine *cough* and meet a real boy. You might be surprized. Oh dear I've writen a lot. Guys one word of advice: it's their life, not your's. So take a chill pill. Got it?

I'm really sorry to keep editing *blah* but I mean really guys. It's a book. A book. Several hundred pages of paper. You can't hide behind it your whole life. And one day you'll grow out of it. Like I grew out of dolls and the beacon street girls. I bet a lot of your friend don't even LIKE twilight, but you still talk to them. I disagree with the sick of twilight club, clearly they are low on creative outlets but that doesn't mean I want their head on a silver platter. They are intitled to their own opinion. It's their life, they can choose to fill it with hate or not aswell as you.


Hey, sorry 'bout that. XD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MrsPadfoot said…
In making this, YOU are dissing those who don't like twilight.

Many anti's I know and have spoken to have read atleast book 1, and seen some of the movies.
I have seen all the movies and tried to reread the books in an attempt to see the appeal they had at first, (which only lasted til the end of book 1). We are entitled to our opinions, so deal with it.

This is merely defending the antis and was not meant to insult anyone.
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
Nobody cares if you don't like Twilight. you can't make an anti-anything club. check out the rules.
over a year ago MrsPadfoot said…
^^according to this, they do. And "anti" was just a general term I was using.

This is not to be rude or anything, just felt you needed to be corrected. Well, I've stated my opinion, so I'm gone.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago youknowit101 said…
see ya. they didn't like an anti spot on fanpop, and with good reason. nobody said you don't have the right to dislike something. check out the rules