Twilight Series Why Change Everything

bonnieboo posted on Mar 27, 2009 at 10:22PM
there are a lot of rumors going around about the twilight director, the characters, and the plot line being changed but why?
why would you hire a new director in the first place....the first movie was a major hit that i think everyone loved so obviously the first director was doing a good job in the first why replace her since she did such a good job and i do mean GOOD. I also dont think that taylor's role in jacob should be replaced...THERE IS A SUCH THING AS TECHNOLOGY so use it to make taylor look bigger. Taylor shouldnt of been chosen to play in the first movie if they were just going to replace's not fair to taylor ecspecially since the whole werewolve role fits him perfectly. I don't think this movie is going to be as good as the first one, not because of the plot line, but because there is a new director and they want to replace TAYLOR? I think it's ok to add on NEW people but dont throw away the old characters. What about sam, the pack leader, he was in the first movie, are you going to replace him, probably not, so DON"T replace Taylor, and if you do i truly honestly think that you would be making a mistake. It's not fair to lead viewers on by using Taylor in the first movie just to change everything in the second. Like i said there is a such thing as technology so KEEP TAYLOR PLAYING THE ROLE OF JACOB BLACK.
i also think that the plot line of the book should stay the same...if people made such a big deal over the books..don't you think they would want to see it that way in the movies
so how do you feel about the changes?
and is there really going to be a new book that follows breaking dawn?
last edited on Mar 27, 2009 at 10:30PM

Twilight Series 6 replies

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over a year ago pkrebelde said…
i get where you are coming from, i mean im not going to lie i wasnt 100% satisfied with the movie twilight, maybe because of the numerous times i've read twilight and i just wanted to be like that... maybe this director is going to bring new stuff to the set... not that im with the idea of making flshback of what edward is doing that is a big turn off for me.. but im with u of not replacing taylor he has work so hard for this and he deserves it more than anybody else... but im praying for new moon to look much better than twilight!!
over a year ago bonnieboo said…
exactly...i do agree with you on the first twilight movie because they cut out and changed it a lot like the movie scene in biology, i was really looking foward to that but it never happened so i hope number 2 is a whole lot better.
over a year ago pkrebelde said…
yeah they also skipped the part where jacob and bella dance at prom!!!
over a year ago genevay said…
Thank God for a new director, never do I expect a movie to be exactly what I envisioned of a book but SERIOUSLY.... If not for the few good scenes toward the end I would not have even thought that it was based on the book.
over a year ago sinai114 said…
what?!!! they want to replace taylor? ok I probably understand them wanting to replace Sam, because honestly I do not think he fit the part extremely well, but taylor? Like what on earth is going on with this new director? I think Catherine Hardwicke should've stayed to film New Moon. I don't know. Either way, even if I dislike the idea there isn't much I can do, I just hope I am wrong about the new director making New Moon horrible if that is what he is planning to do.
over a year ago olivia2591 said…
They're not replacing the first director, she didn't have the time needed to dedicate to the project. She said no. They weren't sure if Taylor Lautner would be able to undergo the huge physical changes Jacob does, and were just weighing up their options - in the end, Taylor showed he was both fully committed to the role and also the best person for it.