Twilight Series Why Nessie physically should NOT exist.

belle_fille posted on Jul 31, 2009 at 01:03AM
Nessie (because I can't spell her full name) is a perfect hybrid. She even beat Bella for the Mary Sue prize. She's adorable, quiet, beautiful, has a power (aren't those supposed to be RARE?) and all-around... perfect. This perfect little bloodsucker shouldn't exist. WARNING: THIS IS FOR MATURE TWILIGHTERS ONLY! MEANING: 13 AND UP, AT LEAST.
I'll start with her conception.

To begin with, Nessie's chances of being concieved are absolutely 0%. Here's why:
Edward has often been described as "ice cold." Sperm need a certain heat to survive. If Edward was, in fact, as icy as Bella thinks he is, the sperm wouldn't survive. Assuming there is sperm, I mean. According to Meyer, when one is turned into a vampire, not only are they frozen in a permanent state of being (basically, Edward wouldn't be able to make any more sperm), BUT all of their bodily fluids are turned into vampiric venom (apparently, even the venom in their eyes - BD, page 501). Even if they were capable of having sex, his venom/semen would literally eat away at her from the inside, effectively turning her into a female Adonis, or killing her.
Basically, there is no way Renesmee (I FIGURED IT OUT :D ) could have been concieved.

Okay, so let's assume that Nessie WAS concieved, although it's impossible.
According to Meyer, vampires have 25 chromosomes, werewolves (and our darling hell-child) have 24, while humans have 23. Even if Nessie was concieved, the chromosomes match up during miosis, and there would therefore have been two extra chromosomes left over. Now, I don't know much about Downs syndrome, but I'm pretty sure that they have 24 chromosomes. Wait, wouldn't that make BOTH the werewolves and Nessie have Downs syndrome?
(I'm sorry, I had to pause right here. My hands literally started shaking with anger)
I'm not going to elaborate on the "chromosome" problem any more, as I think the evidence that I've given has already adequately killed Meyer's theories.

[[Extra Special Section: If the werewolf gene is hereditary, why would their "powers" only show up in their teens, if it is, in fact, a gene that is obtained at birth (and not an STD)? In addition, why is it all males (with ONE exception) that are werewolves? Even if there WAS an explanation for the reason why only guys become werewolves, it must have to do with their not having periods, as Leah is going through menopause.]]

Moving on... To Nessie's time in Bella's womb.

Despite the fact that Twilight (and it's sequels) are fiction, Meyer has placed the events in our world. Therefore, a human should follow the guidelines from this world.
1. If Bella's pregnancy happened as quickly as Meyer said it did, she likely would have committed suicide from the raging hormones.
2. Bella's skin would have been scarred beyond repair, as a woman's skin is not meant to stretch over a foot in UNDER A MONTH. In addition, Nessie is covered in a "marble-hard covering" over Bella's amniotic sac. THAT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE. jfdaklfdahiogbs''sajfdn afd;jk;ahfaklj;
3. Bella's body should have violently rejected Renesmee, causing her to have a miscarriage.

I'll excuse the gory, gory birth of the demon hell-child for now, because I understand that this IS a fiction book, and hey, if Meyer wants to make her vampire hubby eat his daughter's "protective covering" off of his wife's stomach (not to mention break every bone in her protagonist's body), then she can be my guest.

Jacob's imprinting on Nessie should not have happened. Imprinting, as explained by Meyer, is a survival mechanism for werewolves - to ensure that they fall in love with someone who can more easily further the werewolf line! I'll ignore how unbelievably sexist that is for now, and save that topic for another rant. How is our little half-vampire a good choice, for any evolutionary standard? Especially one who has Downs syndrome? Not only has there been a notorious hatred between the vampires and werewolves, that actually goes WAY back into mythology, but I doubt that, by an evolutionary standard, a fully grown man would imprint on a baby who's NOT EVEN A DAY OLD? Charles Darwin is rolling in his grave.

Lastly, Nessie's rapid growth. Assuming that her body can meet all the standards (for example, her skin not bursting because she's growing SO quickly), how is she not eating constantly? to fuel her body's accelerated growth? In addition, why is she not frequently in pain from the growth spurts? I can tell from experience - growing pains hurt. A LOT.

Even her psychology would be significantly messed up. According to Erikson, who's theory is accepted worldwide, she would have (by Bella's calculations) three years to adequately complete 6 stages of psychological development.

[For those who have NO idea what I'm talking about, Erikson's developmental stages outline the challenges that must be overcome in each stage of human development, and the consequence if the challenge is not overcome. Here's a website to understand the concept: link

In each stage of development, there is a crucial psychological crisis that must be overcome, or else the child will suffer greatly. Nessie, in under three years, would have to cram almost 20 years of hardship into her life.
These conflicts include:
Trust vs. Mistrust
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Initiative vs. Guilt
Industry vs. Inferiority
Identity vs. Role Confusion/Diffusion
Intimacy vs. Isolation

I especially would stress the last two, as Nessie already has her lifetime's partner determined for her. Therefore, she would not have a need to learn who she is, or what she likes in a person - and would immediately accept Jacob - nor would she be able to adequately identify the "intimacy vs. isolation" conflict, and overcome it. This is due to her being groomed her whole life as a mate for Jacob, and her lack of knowledge of other relationships.

Assuming a person has a 50% chance of becoming psychologically disabled in each step, it can be inferred that Nessie's chance is SIGNIFICANTLY higher, not only because of the stresses placed on her mind, and emotional wellbeing, but the time period in which she needs to fit each into. Think about it. After one month (approx.), a newborn child has turned into a (about) 4-year old. Nessie would be in the middle of her Phallic stage (for the sake of trying to not get banned, I won't elaborate on the focus of that stage), and has fit FOUR YEARS of potential screw-ups into one month. Supernatural family or not, that's insane and unhealthy.

Ergo, Nessie would either be perverted and deviant from the normal child, or she would be dead. That's assuming she would even have been concieved at all.

[Author's Note: Wow, I had so much fun writing this. It may be hard to believe that I liked this, but it's entirely true. The only thing that makes me infuriated is Meyer's apparent lack of attention to the sciences. It makes me doubt that she even went to middle school.
TODAY'S LESSON: Don't try to explain impossible events with science. It will ALWAYS end up with epicFAIL

Twilight Series 26 replies

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over a year ago tehe said…
i love twilight its so awesome xo
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
big smile
Wow, you didi it great here! I also had the same doubts!
But I'll say what you've already said, it's a fictional story, so everything is accepted.
Don't be that bad with Stephenie, she was only having some fun XD

I really congratulate you for all these evidence! I still have the Edward's part doubt though :D
over a year ago belle_fille said…
yay people like me already! =D
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
Well, really I have two possible ways of how did Edward's sperm might've function:
1 -> link
Is really funny!

2 -> You know that testicles' function is to maintain warm the sperm, so, as Bella hasn't ever touched him down there, she doesn't know if there is a little bit warmer XD
over a year ago belle_fille said…
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
big smile
over a year ago belle_fille said…
That is super funny!
over a year ago Sweet_Pants said…
LOL, that was funny edwardclarisle:)

belle_fille: You know, you've got some great points here. I actually agree that she should have never happened. But I rather that she happen and then be phycologically F#$$ed up, then not at all, even though she's not. I don't know, it would be interesting.

But there was one part that was so true, I was cracking up so much, my aunt all the way in the kitchen asked me what was wrong, which, of course, made me crack up more:)

"Jacob's imprinting on Nessie should not have happened. Imprinting, as explained by Meyer, is a survival mechanism for werewolves - to ensure that they fall in love with someone who can more easily further the werewolf line! I'll ignore how unbelievably sexist that is for now, and save that topic for another rant. How is our little half-vampire a good choice, for any evolutionary standard? Especially one who has Downs syndrome?"

Yeah, it was there, at the end, that I started cracking up:D

Can I link your forum to this spot?


Or would you be polite enough to just, I don't know, um, post an article there, or a forum if you'd like?
over a year ago brakingdawn said…

over a year ago brakingdawn said…
over a year ago Sweet_Pants said…
OMGZ, learn how to fucking spell, idiot.:/
over a year ago JoseVanders said…
Lol, I know. I agree though you could kind of say that about anything, and someone would just go, well yeah...its a book. Good points though :)
over a year ago TzotziaCupcake said…
You have many good points,
but as people say it`s just a
fanfiction book.We shouldn`t worry
that much for the mistakes(which are many)
Meyer has done!
over a year ago belle_fille said…
Sweet_Pants: I'm glad you found that funny. :)

BrakingDawn: Please do NOT come on my posts if you have nothing nice to say. Thank you.

JoseVanders: For all of you;I KNOW THAT IT IS A BOOK!!!!!

TzotziaCupcake:Thank you, my friend is the one who originally wrote this. =D
over a year ago belle_fille said…
over a year ago drgroz said…
big smile
belle_fille, you are certainly entitled to your comments. That's what this forum is all about. I would like to point out a few flaws in your logic, though.

Vampires have 25 PAIRS of chromosomes, humans have 23 PAIRS, and werewolves have 24 PAIRS. It was never stated in the book for sure that Nessie has 24 pairs, just that it was a theory, due to her similarities to Jake. So a vampire and a human could make a child with 24 pairs, and none left over. Secondly, Down's syndrome children have an extra chromosome on chromosome 21, making them have 23 pairs with one left over, not 24 pairs, so neither Nessie nor the werewolves have the same chromosomal make-up as a Down's syndrome child.

The book specifically states that wolves imprinting on children or babies is not about intimacy at first. Nessie doesn't think of Jake that way. How could she? She's just a baby. It also says that she has free will and can choose someone else as she grows, but she probably wouldn't.

The book ends when Nessie is only 3 1/2 months old. We have no idea how screwed up she might become as she gets older. That part is conveniently left out of the book. More than likely she will have her issues. She's a half-vampire, half-human living in a house full of vampires with a wolf that's imprinted on her, hanging out with her human grandfather and various other humans. I definitely wouldn't want to be her trying to figure out her place in life.

As for her rapid growth, the skin has an unbelievable ability to adapt to changes (look at rapid weight loss with bypass surgery). Would she have stretch marks? Probably, but maybe the half-vampire part of her works in her favor. As for her eating, maybe draining an entire buck of blood is more than enough food (drink?) to compensate for her rapid growth. I've never drained an entire animal of blood, so I have no idea how much that would equal in food.

I truly want to commend you, though, for all the thought you have put into your arguments. Many of them are very sound and I have thought of them myself. I'm not going to even comment that it's only a book, because others have already done that and who cares that it's only a book. It's still fun to pick out all the things that are wrong. :)

But if you create a post, you have to know that people are going to comment on it both positively and negatively. That's why they are public forum posts... Sorry.

Great job, by the way!! I'm impressed
over a year ago belle_fille said…
I myself did not write it, it was written by my friend. :)
over a year ago lauracullen66 said…
edward venom would not have killed bella as it only harms if in her blood stream

renesmee is a fictional creature so SM can decide what she wants to happen.
over a year ago twilightfantic1 said…
i toatlly agree not understand completly but agree
over a year ago belle_fille said…
over a year ago JoseVanders said…
Dont misenterpret my comment, I was just saying, but I still think this is really smart and funny :)
over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
Mad props to your friend, really. And having people throw temper tantrums because of one's reasoning merely means that 1) The thrower of the temper tantrum is a bit immature...or PMSing, and 2) That the reasoning is good and they can't find any notable flaws in it and must find another way to state their dissagreement, and 3) That you have a rabid fan on your hands.

Like I said, mad props.
over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
Oh, and the problem with Mary-Sues is...they're just so hard to kill, what with the amazing fighting skills, magic, beauty that could stun any man, wisdom of the ages, amazing genetics, hybrid perks, and all around perfection.
over a year ago belle_fille said…
over a year ago katiecain said…
Basically, the person that wrote this is a genius. And people that are saying 'it's fiction, Meyer can write whatever she likes'... Erm, not really. It's the fact that's she's gone back on loads of stuff she has said about her vampires, such as their bodily fluids turning into vampiric venom; and suddenly Edward can produce a child? Does not work. If Stephenie hadn't said that in the first place then people wouldn't be so bothered by it; it's the fact that's she gone on back on a lot of her comments.
over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
Yeah, Meyer needs to look up the basics on avoiding Mary Sues. One very common trait, hybrid between two species that reaps the benefits of both species while gaining none or few drawbacks of the involved species.