Twilight Series Are some people too obsessed?

italiangirl976 posted on Feb 26, 2010 at 12:36AM
Some people go freak out when you criticize Twilight in any way. I do love Twilight but I don't live and breathe twilight like some of these people do. Am I the only one who thinks its crazy and creepy that people go so crazy over this when its just a book?

Twilight Series 10 replies

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over a year ago Mcmadness said…
No your not the only one who thinks that.
I have heard of stories of people being physically being attacked for voicing a remote amount of dislike for the series.
While these stories may be fake there is a possibility that they are true.
over a year ago New_Moon_Master said…
Completely. People go way overboard. You say something as harmless as, "I like Twilight, but I prefer Harry Potter." and they'll rip your eyes out of the sockets. Yeah, just a little overboard. It's just because they get so into the stories, and after a while they feel like they know the fictional characters. It's like you're insulting their best friend, lol.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wishlock700 said…
I'm not obsessed with Twilight but I do like it a lot. But I also like it when people are so enthusiastic about it because it makes me love and appreciate it even more.
over a year ago xoxinkheartxox said…
i agree with you 100%.. some people just go waaayy overboard!
over a year ago r-pattz said…
There are probably a fair amount of these obsessors on this site. And honestly, they scare me.
over a year ago jay_teamRenesme said…
hmmm....does this mean you don't like my fellow twilight FANatics?
thats what the word fan comes from. Its an abreviation of the word fanatic. I love this series and yes maybe go overboard when I hear people say negative things. It's worse when it's guys who usually haven't read or seen anything of it. It comes across as jealousy or fear of what they don't understand or don't/cant be a part of.

I make no appologies for caring about characters that I've come to know and love, who have been a part of my life in some small way for a while now. Yes I know they are fictional but still I recognise aspects of them in the people I know around me.

Perhaps if some people weren't to biased (usually ignorantly so) and because of that bias so disparaging people llke me wouldn't feel the need to be so defensive.
over a year ago brookerhodes said…
yea for real i love twilight a lot too!!!! and i sometimes do get a little defensive too! but its is always b/c (as listed above) some people dont even give it a chance they just write it off as a dumb romantic vampire story but it is WAY more than that!!!! and alot of people have just watched the movies and then critic it!!!! but you cant say anything bad about how dumb or stupid twilight is before you have all of the books!!! they are so great especially the first one!!!!! and if catherine hardwick would hvae known it was going to be such a success she would have spent way more time and money on the movie!!!!!!!!!! but no matter what just read the books you will totally love them they are perfect1 after you take some time anyone will love the twilight saga! :) :)
over a year ago Hellohoudini said…
I admitt it...I am obsessed with Twilight...have been from day one...and to me theres nothing wrong with it. It becomes a problem when people start attacking each other over it. I try never to be-little anyones opinions on whether they like or dislike Twilight and I always try to be polite and respectful when answering any questions or when making comments. There are ALOT of people on this site, Twilight fans, Harry Potter fans, Avator fans, who do not give back the same. That takes all the fun out of this site.
over a year ago melcu said…
i totaly agree some people get way too obsessed by it who could blame them a totaly hot vampire falling in love with anyone in MY opinion is way beter than a little wizzard waving a magic wand (no ofence to hp fans) or well anything else in the sifi thing no i dont like it when people havent given twilight a chance and say its a peace of s...t but i dont get all defensive if anything its a small debate (that i usually end up winning lol) but i dont rip anyones head off i am too obsessed with twilight but i dont think of the charactes as my friends
over a year ago itsnaddia said…
yes, some fans do go overboard.