Twilight Series Renesmee A.K.A The Biggest Plothole Ever

New_Moon_Master posted on Feb 26, 2010 at 09:51AM
I don't really like the final book anyway, and Renesmee is the main reason. Not because I don't like her, but because she should not exist. You would think that Stephenie Meyer-having had three kids-would know how it works. I Edward has no bodily fluids, how could he possibly impregnate Bella? I can think of no way except, "Oh yeah...Uh, he has no bodily fluids except that...Yeah..."
One person had the theory that he could only impregnate someone once, having had "that" stored up through the years. One: in her story there is one vampire who had at least three children, so that's out. Two: it would not still be there. It would have dried up. Three: it would not be there in the first place.
So, I can get no explanation thus far, other than, "Stephenie didn't think this through that much."
Any suggestions?
I don't really like the final book anyway, and Renesmee is the main reason. Not because I don't like

Twilight Series 27 replies

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over a year ago lauracullen66 said…
aw man im so sick of this question,
firstly its important to remember that this is FANTASY and FICTION. It is stephenies world so whatever she decides is true.

Edward DOES have bodily fluids- ie the venom in his veins, the venom contains his DNA. When they have sex the DNA bonds to the egg. However as this is not a sperm it produces an anomoly- renesmee who isnt like a normal human baby and has anomolies such as accelerated growth. The venom does not kill bella as it does not get into her blood stream.

These are stephenies vampires and so she can decide how things work, instead of copying someone elses terminology. It makes it more original
over a year ago New_Moon_Master said…
That is the worst explanation I have ever heard. The venom is something that you do not have when human. So, to refraise, he has no HUMAN bodily fluids. The venom is no explanation. That's something he had after he became immortal. Impregnating Bella is a human thing.
And venom does NOT have his DNA in it. If it did, why would no one get pregnant when another vampire bit them? Yes, it goes into thier bloodstream, but it also goes through their orgins. So with your theory, Carlisle would have impregnated Rosalie and Esme. Yeah, right. And of course it is Stephenie's choice, that doesn't mean I have to like it and can't talk about it.
Don't you think the story is original enough? He sparkles for crying out loud!
And what do you mean "tired of this question"? First off, it wasn't a question, secondly, I have never seen this topic posted anywhere before. And I'm on this spot constantly. I could understand if I was like, "omg taem edwrd or jakob", but this is not a common topic.
over a year ago lauracullen66 said…
well, firstly, you can be on that much as this is constantly in the "questions" section.

secondly, you said nothing about HUMAN bodily fluids, you just said bodily fluids

thirdly, you put a question, sorry, but to me that indicates you DID ask a question.

Fourthly, stephenie has written an answer to your 'question' on her site saying that there are different types of venom: "throughout the vampire's body are many versions of venom-based fluids that retain a marked resemblance to the fluid that was replaced, and function in much the same way and toward the same purpose. Though there is no venom replacement that works precisely like blood, many of the functions of blood are carried on in some form. Also, the nervous system runs in a slightly different but heightened way...The normal reactions of arousal are still present in vampires, made possible by venom-related fluids that cause tissues to react similarly as they do to an influx of blood. Like with vampire skin—which looks similar to human skin and has the same basic function—fluids closely related to seminal fluids still exist in male vampires, which carry genetic information and are capable of bonding with a human ovum."

ie. the venom most similar to the sperm hold the DNA so when carlisle bit rosalie or esme it did not impregnate them.

and about the whole "And of course it is Stephenie's choice, that doesn't mean I have to like it and can't talk about it" yeah fine you can talk about it and not like it but i was just stating it was not a plot hole since its stephenies terminology
saying- oh how could edward make bella pregnant, its not possible! well none of the story is possible- its a story about vampires and werewolfs for crying out loud
over a year ago ChocAttack266 said…
lauracullen66, that explanation on Meyer's website? That is just a pathetic cover-up that she only posted on there after people kept pointing out that particular continuity fail. Even if venom can act as a bodily fluid, it doesn't hide the fact that Renesmee shouldn't even exist. The venom would have destroyed Bella's egg, for crying out loud.
over a year ago lauracullen66 said…
hey its not my opinion, i was just trying to answer the best i could and so i posted what the authors explination is
over a year ago Luv_Rob_4ever said…
Who cares its stephanie meyers book and since its fiction anyhting can happen. does it make since that vampires exist in the book? does it make since that they have specail powers in the book? Does it make since that there is a werewolf (shapeshifter) in the book?
none of it makes since because it is fiction and meant to entertain us!! so who cares if it dosn't make since that they had a child!!!! For crying out loud enjoy the book and stop gripping!!!
over a year ago ChocAttack266 said…
Stop "gripping"? What exactly am I gripping?
over a year ago erinlovesavatar said…
griping she means griping aka complaining ever been to school before ChocAttack266? you should go there sometime
over a year ago jay_teamRenesme said…
There have been alot of people who compare the Twilight books to Harry Potter. Many say they like this or that I would just like to point out that these books (twilight I mean) parralell the Potter series for the first 4 books. Each of them was about wish fullfillment. First Harry gets to be "special" (book one sorceres stone). then he gets a family etc.... The point Im trying to get at is that perhaps at some point Meyers came to the point where completing the family would somehow make the happily ever after wish completely fullfilled. Not just the best lover, husband and friend with a full family surrounding her but a little one to love as well. What suprises me is the idea that Renesme only gets to be a child for 7 years. Do you suppose this is her idea of the perfect amount of time to take care of a child. That perhaps after those years anything more starts to become a chore? Personally I think Breaking dawn should have ended after Bella's dad made his first visit. Then the rest with the Volturi would be in another book where the Cullens gathering witnesses would might lead to a much more long term coalition. Perhaps Volturi versus the American Federation of Free Vampires or something. Maybe she could still do this.?.... Also I would not have downplayed Bella being dangerous for a while. I can see how it would have made the story she did tell impossibly difficult or unbelievable but then that could have been a major plot point too. The other Cullens having to prove their way of life is viable by showing that she could learn control. I love Renesmee, and have no problem with her as part of the story. I think it makes a great adition to the idea of picture perfect happyness the author was trying to portray.

And they lived happily, for the rest of eternity (forever).

Sorry but that works for me.
over a year ago Hellohoudini said…
Fiction is fiction and if Stephenie Meyer wanted to create a world where vampires can father children...then why not? Since vampires do not exist in the real live world...who is to say that they can't? If the very first vampire story that was ever written came out saying that vamires sparkle and could father children...and then Meyer came out and said they didnt sparkle and that they couldnt father children...everyone would be jumping on her for that because thats not how "real" vampires are suppose to be like. The world is just used to believing that vampires are a certain way and alot of people are having a hard time excepting that Meyer made them alittle different in her world. Remember..her books are for entertainment purposes. We're suppose to enjoy them and not pick them apart over silly little things such as 'does a vampire has body fluids'.

And I'm with you jay_teamRenesme ...."and they lived happily, for the rest eternity (forever)" ....thank goodness...this world needs more happy endings...the fiction or the non fiction kind.
over a year ago italiangirl976 said…
I'm happy that I am not the only one who did not like the baby thing. I thought it was stupid too. I think it messed up the book. I hated the last book. Ok maybe not HATED but disliked. The beginning was really good but once it got to the whole pregnancy thing it got so terrible. It sounded like something off the internet that would be fan fiction or something. I kept waiting for her to say " That was a joke, here is the real book now". And the name for the baby, Renesmee? It sounds like a 10 year old made it up. She couldn't do any better? Also when the Voltiri(sorry I can't spell) came she made it this huge hype and then nothing happened. I was a big let down. Breaking Dawn had many problems in my opinion.

Oh and the imprint thing with Jacob. Can you say pedophile? ewwww
Jacob should have been with Leah.
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over a year ago katiecain said…
I think Stephenie's explanation is more of an excuse because she didn't think it through. And about that it's fiction and we should just enjoy it.... I would like to think most authors would want people to be critical about their books, not just ignore loopholes because they like the story.
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over a year ago jay_teamRenesme said…
Actually if you stop and think about it, if you take Renesmee out of the story there would be no reason for the Volturi to go to Forks at all. So either the last book would have been REEEAAALLLLY really short or not existed at all. As far as Jacob imprinting on the baby instead of Leah...Maybe but I think imprinting would have been going too far. It may have worked better if they had a normal realistic relationship without it. However I do think Leah was kinda interesting and wouldn't mind meeting her myself. I too like a partner with some flaws. Many people have mentioned Edward as being overbearing or to protective etc... and thus flawed or something. I personally like the fact that Leah had such a good sense of herself.
That too would work for me.

As far as the Volturi confrontation being a let down, I disagree. if anything it looked like a great lead up to a greater confrontation possibly in the next book where many of the Vampires decide they don't want to live as the Volturi would (killing people for sustenance). The next stage of their confrontation would be "Vegetarians" versus "NONVEGETARIANS".
At least thats the direction I would go with the series. Perhaps thats just me though...
over a year ago AmilaAgreian said…
-.- dang why do the have to make movies shortier? -.- the left out alot of the good and funny parts X.x they could've at least left it in the bloopers section of the movie =T^T= i want to see when rob got too into the whole kissing bella and fell off the bed =,= feh.
over a year ago New_Moon_Master said…
Yes, yes, yes. I GET that it is fiction. But I'm saying HYPATHETICALLY, if vampires were real. She wants her books to be as realistic as possible, therefor there should be an explanation. VENOM impregnated Bella? Come on. "Oh,'s differant venom..." is no explanation. Have you ever looked up the word venom in the dictionary?
It says: Poison. Poisonous matter normally secreted in some animals (as snakes, scorpions or bees) and communicated chiefly by biting or stinging.
So...what was it you said? Venom impregnated her? Uh huh. I don't care what Stephenie said, I didn't ask about her lame explanation, I asked for other opinions. OPINIONS. Not, "Well, you're stupid for thinking about it. Shut up."
So you telling me that poison, which isn't really poison, but another KIND of poison (which for some magical reason does no harm, which is what poison IS) but is still not semon, THAT is what impregnated Bella? Try again.
over a year ago New_Moon_Master said…
And yeah right. Without Renesmee there would be no book? Like she really couldn't come up with anything else? Yeah right.
How would you have liked it if Stephenie desided in BD the write at the very end, "And then Edward turned into the largest monkey I've ever seen, and exploded. I found out later that sometimes vampires did that when they got stressed." it would be all fine and dandy because it's fiction? Fiction is supposed to be believable.
over a year ago ChocAttack266 said…
erinlovesavatar: I know what it means. I've known that word since I was six years old. I am merely pointing out the fact that the Twilight-fan stereotype is continually proven: bad grammar, not backing up points. Ever heard of sarcasm, darling? You could use a few lessons.
over a year ago Hellohoudini said…
Fiction is suppose to be believable? Then it would be non-fiction.

Definitions of fiction:
a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact fabrication: a deliberately false or improbable account.

And why does everyone give Jacob such a hard time about the imprinting thing? Its not as though he's "lusting" after Renesmee! Not once did Meyer make that part dirty or disgusting. I hate that everyone automatically goes there. (opps I was typing so hard that I broke a nail...damn) And beause of Jacob imprinting on Renesmee, that insured her safety from the pack...and it help sealed the bond between the vamps and the wolves when it came to standing up against the Volturi.

I personally like that there wasnt a huge fight scene at the end. I liked that Meyer showed that things could be resovled by talking instead of fighting. I would have hated to see any of the vamps or the wolves hurt or killed...including the Volturi.
over a year ago katiecain said…
'Fiction is suppose to be believable? Then it would be non-fiction.' No. Non-fiction is FACT. A story doesn't have to be factual to be believable. Just saying.

As for the imprinting thing... It's basically child grooming. No he doesn't 'lust' after her now but there's no doubt he's going to end up with her - that's the point of imprinting - so he's just hanging around and will eventually have sex with her. And if he's like her brother or uncle while she's growing up, that's NOT just gonna change for Renesmee OR Jacob. It'll be like Renesmee's dating her brother/uncle/whatever the hell Jacob is supposed to be to her. That's sick.

But I don't give Jacob a hard time for that, I give Stephenie a hard time for thinking such a ridiculous idea is good to put in a teen book.
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over a year ago Hellohoudini said…
My point is that fiction doesnt have to be "believable" can be fantasy without being factual...and that is what Twilight is...a fictional fantasy.
over a year ago katiecain said…
Oh, I agree. But fiction can also be believeable. That's what I meant. Sorry, didn't mean to sound so blunt lol.
over a year ago lauracullen66 said…
i agree with hellohoudini- its stephenies creation, her world, her rules.
If edward did explode into a giant monkey and we later found out it was because vampires do that when they are stressed then fine, up to stephenie!
and like hellohoudini said- its a good message to send that things can be resolved without fighting
over a year ago jay_teamRenesme said…
I guess what I meant was that without Renesmee the last book would have needed to be about something completely different. The Voolturi would have had no reason to bother them directly. It was pointed out that arro wanted Edward and Alice anyway but that would have been dealt with differently or something...

As far as the babies name...Why is it that Bella got to name the baby alone. Edward got absolutely no say? WTF Seriously when does that happen in a real relationship? I sorta get that maybe...Maybe they didn't expect her or the baby to live so naming the little nudger ultimately wouldn't matter, but still....Renesmee? Besides isnt' that asking to much of the kid. Name her after people she knows and she may end up growing up to expect that she has to be as good as them. Or what she expects to be as good as them. Never good. Anyway all that is hypothetical since it is a fictional book. Speaking of fiction. I guess in the end you either want to enjoy it and turn a blind eye or not.
over a year ago Hellohoudini said…
Bella did ask Edward what he thought about the name "Renesmee" before she was born...and besides most mothers usually name the babies if they're girls ...guys kinda lose interest in that when there isnt going to be a "jr" after the name..and whats wrong with naming your baby after the people in your family? I'm named after my great aunt and my brother is named after my father. I believe Bella choose those names out of love for both Rene and Esmee. And of course Renesmee wouldnt them...yet...she's a baby give her minute!
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over a year ago New_Moon_Master said…
No. You guys have to stop talking about why she's named Renesmee. Stephenie chose to name her that, therefor you absolutely have to agree. Annoying, huh?
All I'm saying, is that fiction has a limit. Yes, she COULD make it say anything she wants, but that doesn't make it realistic. and fiction is supposed to be realistic. Not ACTUALLY real, but as though it could be. And Renesmee is not realistic, as far as the rest of what SHE wrote.
My point is this: Stephenie was not consistant on that point. The rest of the things such as, sparkling, extra abilities, ect., were things that had background, and acroding to her 'Twilight reality' those things all happened. But then all of a sudden, with no prior knowledge, and with things that completely contradicted previous statements, Renesmee is born.
over a year ago New_Moon_Master said…
Message from my annoying mother:
Howdy. My first job, of course, is to embarrass my daughter to the nth degree, so I'm doing that now. :D
Anyhew, I feel strongly (for some reason) that I should contribute something relatively constructive to the melee.
Point one: Bella, as we know, was human when the newly married couple, um, demonstrated their matrimonial connection to each other. That alone, as we are highly aware, took a great deal of restraint on Edward's behalf. Being as fragile as she was, it was amazing that she didn't expire during their first night together--with or without getting pregnant!
Point two: While there are some vague-ish explainations of how Bella could become pregnant, survive the gestational period without succumbing to massive internal injuries, then have a vampire hybrid that, for whatever reason, has accelerated growth periods and a taste for human blood--which also did not result in her mother's death.
Point three: The Volturi, like so many politically saavy groups in our esteemed history, were looking for an excuse to obliterate the Cullens, who were viewed as rivals for power, so it is highly dubious that these "fair" individuals would have spared anyone. (I mean, just ask the multitudes of humans and vampires that came before them that were a much lesser threat).
All told, as much as we appreciate Stephenie Meyer's work and will treasure it for many years to come, the more one reads something, the more one can notice--and become a touch disenchanted by--certain inconsistencies within the plot structure that takes something away from the illusion we are fighting to keep, so that we can keep our attention off of our dreary, depressing day to day lives.
M'kay, back to my kid. Sorry for intruding.
Message from my annoying mother:
Howdy. My first job, of course, is to embarrass my daughter to the
over a year ago SimplyLaurel said…
Wow, some people are getting really riled up about this. :( This question has been asked many times, usually because there are no good answers, in my opinion.

Twilight is no literary masterpiece, I know that. That obviously doesn't take away from its appeal. Most of the teenage fan base doesn't seem to be too bothered by the inconsistencies in the series, particularly in Bella's pregnancy. The more mature/scrutinizing fan base is more likely to find notable problems with it, as this topic demonstrates.

From what I can tell, it boils down to this:

If a reader cares, they'll question it. If they don't care, they'll just ignore it. If they like it, they'll try to rationalize it.

All of that is okay. I don't see why people have to dwell on someone else's opinion on it. Obviously, you didn't like it, so why does it matter if other readers do? I would consider myself in the "I don't care, you can do whatever you want in your own book." group. If someone likes it, cool. If someone hates it, sorry.

I think we should all just keep our own opinions and stop caring about everyone else's. If someone has a genuine question, answer, but if someone just wants to gripe, let them.

None of that was meant to be an attack on anyone, by the way. I wasn't trying to call anyone out.