Twilight Series Why Twilight Is Amazing

mtamburrino14 posted on Nov 30, 2010 at 04:44AM
Reasons why Twilight is Amazing
1. Stephanie Meyer gives good descriptions of characters
Stephanie Meyer goes into great detail about all her characters using strong references about their descriptions with their romantic characteristics. She uses powerful words to help describe Edward and Jacob’s characters, how a werewolf and vampire and different beings and how they function with and without each other. From Bella’s aspect, Meyer defines Edward’s, and even Jacob’s “sexually appealing” bodies and their distinct characteristics. Edward’s pale and glittering skin, cold to the touch, drop dead gorgeous face, his smile, nose, eyes and especially his body are all attractive. And Meyer makes it known that vampires are meant to appeal to humans, since their main source of food is human blood. Likewise, with Jacob, Meyer defines Jacobs to having warm skin, gorgeous eyes, good looking body, strong arms, and very muscular in general. She builds these men up to fit Bella’s standards, since Bella is also made out to be very attractive herself. Overall, I think that Meyer enjoys writing about attractive people and writing fantasies for everyday girls of America….and who can blame her????
2. Stephanie Meyer can write, FOR REAL
Yes, some may think that her writing is boring and similar to many other romantic writers of this new vampire generation. HOWEVER, why has she sold so many books? It can’t be because of her descriptive characters or her wording that makes girls 12-however old fall head over heels for Edward, OR Jacob. She has to have some skill to sell millions of copies of her Twilight Saga and make a movie in less than 4 years since the book has been released. Come on, that is pretty impressive to do as a writer and not many people have been able to do that.
3. The Twilight Saga has plot
Clearly, there is a Saga because she had to keep writing books because people kept buying them because they were amazing! Of course Bella and Edward had a conflict about getting married and turning into a vampire and she would never leave the series hanging without a full explanation. Meyer’s faithful readers were determined to figure out what was going to happen in the end, who Bella would chose, if she became a vampire, what happens to Jacob. There is an infinite amount of questions that she poked into her readers’ heads and she made it clear it needed to be done in four books. She couldn’t place thoughts in her reader’s heads without answering them! Then she wouldn’t be a good author, but she did fulfill her reader’s desires by answering questions and concluding the series so everyone was satisfied.
4. It’s okay to have flaws
One of Bella’s flaws in Twilight was her clumsiness. Yes, Stephanie Meyer does try to make her characters perfect, but being clumsy is perfectly normal. Not everyone can miss every crack in the sidewalk or miss a step when walking up the stairs. Being clumsy shows how Bella is still human, when she is surrounded by beings that are perfect. Bella’s personality also is capable of being clumsy since she is very down to earth and she can find beauty in horrible flaws, like drinking blood. Being clumsy is OKAY, and being human is fine too, unless you are endlessly in love with a vampire.


Twilight Series 8 replies

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over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
Okay, this is going to be fun :) Debate time!:

1. Yes, she gives good raping the thesaurus. Almost every single page in Twilight mentions at least once how perfect Edward is. Look at this:

References to Edward's Beauty: 165
Broken Down into the following categories –
• Face: 24 (Favorite adjectives: glorious, heavenly, seraphic)
• Voice: 20 (The voice of an archangel, donchaknow.)
• Eyes: 17
• Movement: 11
• Smile: 10
• Teeth: 8
• Muscles: 7
• Skin: 7 (Note: This only contains accounts of Edward's skin being beautiful. I didn't count references to it as "pale," "cold," or "white." If I had, this number would be about ten times larger.)
• Iron Strength or Limbs: 5
• Scent: 4
• Laughter: 3
• Handwriting: 2
• Chest: 2
• Driving Skills: 1

That's too much description. Okay, describing Eddie's looks once in awhile is fine, but EVERY OTHER SENTENCE? Thesaurus. Rape.

2. She cannot write. FOR REAL. Any editor (except hers obviously) could show you--no any teacher could show you how grammatically incorrect she is most of the time. Hell, she doesn't even know what half the words she uses mean since she uses the thesaurus rape all the time. Example? 'Verbose' Don't know what it means?

Verbose – adj. Using or containing a great and usually an excessive number of words; wordy. See Synonyms at wordy.

This is used when Bella says that neither she nor Charlie is verbose. Bella? Not verbose? The girl who uses every chance she gets to describe how beautiful Edward is? Uh oh someone didn't check what the word really meant before using it :P

3. It has no plot. Example: Twilight, the first book in the "Saga" How many pages does this book have? 498
The first time there's a hint of a conflict/problem/plot (the foundation of a good book if you didn't already know) that has nothing to do with Edward's and Bella's romance? 328
When the conflict FINALLY arrives? 372
Looks like someone went, "Shit! I actually have to have a plot in this thing..." right towards the end of her book

4. Of course it's okay to have flaws! But clumsiness = NOT A FLAW!!
Flaw: a feature that is regarded as unfavorable
An example of a flaw: bad temper, attitude, moodiness
Everyone has clumsiness in them, it's not a unique thing. But your personal flaws are. See what I'm getting at? Clumsiness is normal...

Anyway, that's all I got for now. Feel free to protect and fight for your reasons :)
By the way, I'm not an Anti, I just feel like a debate with a seemingly intelligent Twihard
over a year ago kellansgirl16 said…
It is really cool and I can put myself in Bella's situation between choosing between two guys. I am more of a VAMPIRE FAN!!
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
Okay kellansgirl16, I don't really get what you're implying. Are you trying to fight for your series? If you are, then by all means do so!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SEEKER6 said…
Ms_Mea..... That was a bloody brilliant debate you put on!
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
Thanks! :D It's funny because not one Twilighter is fighting for their series
over a year ago 123KittyCat said…
twilight is awesome and too bad for all you haters out there
over a year ago Ms_Mea said…
Ok...opinion...I was hoping for a debate but whatever...Can't you guys think of ANY reasons?
Now I'm sorry for you because you guys probably haven't given other, probably BETTER books a chance
over a year ago mtamburrino14 said…
ok, well first off, this was for an english project- not totally intended to start a full on debate, but cool. and it looks like you found the books very interesting, especially because u can quote the whole book, sweet. I cant even do it. and i am not a huge "twihard" or whatever u called me. i straight up just enjoyed reading the books and watching the movies. im not in love with edward or jacob and i feel that stephanie meyer is a good author because she descriped her characters to such a degree that even i wanted to love them.

AND i have read other books, it is not like twilight was the only book i ever read, and thats pretty lame that you would call me out for only reading four books. im in college!