Twilight Series Who Are You Most Excited For To Be Cast?

luvrofedward posted on Feb 13, 2008 at 02:55AM
heres the order i want them to find the rest:
1. Jacob
2. Emmett
3. Jasper
4. Renee
5. Billy
6. Charlie
7. Angela
8. Laurent
9. Ben

idk if i go them all.........
last edited on Feb 13, 2008 at 03:47AM

Twilight Series 33 replies

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over a year ago GCsAngelgirl said…
I'm really looking forward to seeing who'll play Jacob, too. They posted that they were holding auditions and I thought we were supposed to hear news on it by the end of last month... But sadly nothing. I really hope they get him right!

1. Jacob
2. Jasper
3. Emmett
4. Laurent
5. Charlie
6. Billy
7. Angela
8. Ben
9. Renee (She's not in a lot so I'm not that anxious)
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
over a year ago Duckie1321 said…
I'm looking forward to see who they choose for Jacob!
1. Jacob
2. Emmett
3. Jasper
4. Charlie
5. Billy
6. Laurent
7. Angela
8. Ben
9. Renee
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
haha Jacob is first on everyone's list
over a year ago CharmedAngel88 said…
Of course Jacob's the first on everyone's list. He's such an important character. I know he's not huge in Twilight, but they are planning on movies for New Moon and Eclipse so whoever they cast as Jacob is going to be critical.

Emmett has been cast, the Lexicon has confirmed that Kellan Lutz will be playing Emmett.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
kellan lutz is HOT. he looks like the perfect emmett

over a year ago CharmedAngel88 said…
I like Kellan as Emmett, he's a good choice. I guess it's the bad hair in the pictures of the Cullens but I was a bit disappointed with Jackson Rathbone as Jasper. I'm hoping that his hair looks better. So that's two already knocked off the list.
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
jackson rathbone looks weird in the production photos. personally, he needs to have straighter hair, but ah well. im so excited for the movie omg.
over a year ago CharmedAngel88 said…
Yeah, his hair needs to be less poofy if you ask me. I'm sure that was a wig and not his real hair. If they fix the hair I'm sure he'll be a fine Jasper. I can't wait until the movie comes out!
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
omg perfect word. poofy. exactly, it was probably a wig. i thought rosalie's hair looked fake, and emmetts should have been like, longer, maybe spiked or something? idk. just a thought.
over a year ago CharmedAngel88 said…
Yeah, Rosalie's hair did look fake. It was probably a wig too. We know Nikki isn't a natural blonde so to ease the transition they probably gave her a wig. But It still looked better than Jasper's mess. I thought Emmett's hair was okay. But it did need to be a bit longer. I always had in mind a bit more curl to his hair.
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
Ya. Emmett kind of looked like a stalker that had just gotten out of jail too. it actually was really creepy cuz i think that normally, kellan lutz is really hot and emmett-like. but in those pics, he just looked like he was gunna sneak up on you in the night.
but i was just thinking that these cast members had to pose in front of a blue screen that i think most schools use for their school backgrounds. and they werent in character either. they were put in that position. but i still liked the pics, the 3rd one on Stephenie's website is my favorite.
over a year ago layla_14 said…
i can't wait any longer, i want to know who is going to be jacob, now!!!
over a year ago CharmedAngel88 said…
Layla, I think that they've cast Taylor Lautner as Jacob. He has been signed on to the movie, but they never released who he'll be playing. But if you look at pictures of him he looks like a young Jacob, at least I think he does.
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
yea but does he look like an older jacob? do you think that they will find an older looking jacob, or just work their set-makeup-magic?
over a year ago CharmedAngel88 said…
I dunno about him looking like an older Jacob. He's only 16, and it's hard to tell with Jacob having such a huge growth spurt and all that. I heard that they were wanting whoever they cast as Jacob to be available for future movies, but if he doesn't really work out I guess they'd have to find someone else. That or they would really have to use their makeup magic on the kid.

I'm starting to wonder if Taylor is going to be someone else because it keeps bothering me how we don't have any pictures of Gregory Tyree Boyce to tell if he's older or younger. It would make sense if Jacob were an unknown because they had the open casting call. But that means Taylor would have to be someone else. And I keep on trying to figure out the odds of them casting an unknown for Billy.
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
now that i think about it, maybe taylor is going to play someone else from Forks High? someone who hasnt been cast yet that plays a minor part?
im also thinking that Gregory Tyree Boyce is the unknown actor that is playing Jacob. they have him on imdb, so i dont know if that confirms whether or not Greg is unknown or not.
over a year ago CharmedAngel88 said…
It's hard to believe a known actor wouldn't have any pictures up anywhere. The only person I could think of Taylor possibly being would be Tyler. If Gregory is the unknown playing Jacob then we'll just have to wait and see if he's what we had in mind.
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
i really need to know! hopefully they will show us a pic of the full cast, i mean everybody, soon. real soon, im getting anxious!
over a year ago CharmedAngel88 said…
I know! I want to know who is playing who! It's starting to drive me crazy that I know actors have signed on, but I have no clue who they are playing.
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
OMG yea! i check the lexicon like twice every hour. i seriously want to know!
over a year ago Gabitha said…
Jake is a REALLY important character, but in Twilight he only has a smsall part, so....

I just want to know who everyone is playing also!!! It is driving me CRAZY!! and my skool has blocked nearly all the websites, like lexicon, that can tell me who is playing who!


over a year ago CharmedAngel88 said…
Well, the only one I know that's been confirmed recently has been Billy Burke as Charlie. But we all kinda saw that one coming. He didn't really fit any of the other character descriptions. I just hope they announce the rest because we need to know who is playing Jacob!
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
haha they blocked the website? thats weird, funny and weird. sad funny weird. omg im rambling sorry!
the lexicon is down for a while it said, which is really sad to me cuz now i cant check it!
over a year ago Gabitha said…
its not funny, they block anything that might stop us from working...except fanpop because they dont know about it so thats great! lol!
over a year ago Gabitha said…
and they are right in a way, im ment to be working now BUT here i am on fanpop...
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
haha yea, i check this thing like a million times, and i have stephs website and like 7 other twilight websites bookmarked.
over a year ago ThePansyLady said…
I think that Gregory is going to be Jacob. The only reason I'm saying this is because I have heard that Taylor is supposedly playing Tyler in the movie. So it's not that big a role at all. But I don't know what Gregory looks like...
over a year ago xxjoxx814 said…
did they ever cast Jacob????
over a year ago CharmedAngel88 said…
I'm pretty sure they have cast Jacob. I mean filming has already started for the movie and all. But the thing is that they haven't announced who will be playing him. I'm thinking that it's Taylor Lautner.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
i just cant wait for them to start putting pictures of the whole cast out
over a year ago walker93 said…
jacob's the only one i'm still really excited about being cast
over a year ago luvrofedward said…
yea, i really want them to show us a picture of jacob! i was really excited for edward, kind of disappointed but as it got into it with pictures and stuff, robert is seriously great for the part. i want jacob to be AMAZING! i hope he is!