Twilight Series True or false. :]

daphne_cullen posted on May 02, 2009 at 07:22AM
Here's how you play it:
The first user will make a hunch on the next user. The hunch must be related to Twilight. Then the next user will say if it is true or false. He or she then makes another hunch for the next person.


The person below is on Team Edward.
Next user:
True. The person below has a copy of the Twilight DVD.
Next user:
False. The person below likes Kristen but hates Bella.

And so on.

I will start:
The person below is Team Switzerland.
last edited on Jan 17, 2010 at 08:47AM

Twilight Series 1943 replies

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Showing Replies 801-850 of 1943

over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
False! I hate shopping!

TPB have seen New Moon already :(
Me no! And I will not until it comes out on theaters ;)
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
nooo false not out yet here lolz and cNT FIND ON INTERNET

over a year ago Crystalice456 said…

the person below will read the twilight series again soon
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
False!!! I loved it!!!
Sorry, you got here first...then yes! I AM reading them again ;)

TPB hates that people talk bad things about Twilight only for making you feel bad :'(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago labi-has-ocd said…
i hate it when ppl talk bad about twilight- but ive kinda stoppped going mental at them.. i just plug my ipod in and listen to the soundtrack or rob singing lol.

TBP is counting down till new moon
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
big smile

TPB knows every Twilight Soundtrack song (even making nassal sounds with the instrumental parts), it's name and where was it played (in which scene).
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
true lol
srry if i talked bad a bout it t just wasnt my fave the books were way better

TPBM knows almost everything bout kellan lutz
over a year ago brakingdawn said…

tpbm has at leat 1 twilight realated posta in their room
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
true 4 posters

TPBM has more then 1 twilight related poster in room
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…

The person below owns the Twlight score.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
whats tht

tpb loves everyone
over a year ago pri1342 said…
from the book right? Well, False I don't really like the Volturi, Victoria, James, and some other that irritates me...

TPB thought Breaking Down would have/ should have a different ending
over a year ago bubblezgonewild said…
flse :)

The person below is obsessed with Jasper
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
big smile
True...kind of XD

TPB owns both Twilight soundtracks (The Score & Original Motion Movie Soundtrack) and the Twilight movie.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…

tpbm loves the songs on the soundtrack though
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
big smile

TPB owns some Twilight related T-Shirts (some from Twilight and some from New Moon)
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…

The person below has a screen name relating to Twilight.
over a year ago daphne_cullen said…
Do I have to answer that? Lol. TRUE.

The person below thinks pale skin is better than tanned after reading Twilight.
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
No, Daphne you dont have to. I know it's a repeat question but I couldnt think of anything, sorry.

True-ish. Not really after Twilight. Tanned skin is cool too.

The person below watched Twilight in the cinemas at least twice.
over a year ago Prathi said…
big smile
True - oh yeah tree times:D

the person below thinks seth is cute:D
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
True, yeah, he is XD

TPB has read the first Midnight Sun chapters :'(
I haven't and I won't until Stephenie publishes it
over a year ago foxiroxi41 said…
false... i wont read until the book gets published. xxx

TPB is in love with Carlisle
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…

TPB loves Twilight as much as Breaking Dawn
over a year ago TeamEdward484 said…
False .

TPB Likes The Werewolves Better .
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…

The person below likes prefer's Alice's hair in Twilight.
over a year ago foxiroxi41 said…
true.. short and spiky!!! xxx

TPB cant put any book out of the twilight saga down when you start reading it xxxx
over a year ago daphne_cullen said…
False. The very first time I've read it though, I can't put them down.

The person below likes Rosalie's hair more than Alice's.
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
Ah, depends. If we're talking about books, then I like both. If movie than Alice more.

The person below downloads songs that remind them of anything relating to Twilight.
over a year ago daphne_cullen said…

The person below likes the way Alice dresses up more than Rosalie does.
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
big smile

The person below prefers Emmett's style of clothes more than Jasper.
over a year ago daphne_cullen said…

The person below thinks the Volturi casts really suits their roles.
last edited over a year ago

The person below thinks the Volturi casts really suits their roles.
over a year ago foxiroxi41 said…
personally, true, i dont no about other people tho xxxx

TPB wants edward to write a lullaby for them xxx
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
True. That would be awesome!

The person below prefers Quil over Embry.
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
IDRK! Maybe true, maybe false, you caught me here XD

TPB owns every Twilight music, even the ones used in movie trailers.
over a year ago lauracullen66 said…

the person below learned all they know about cars from twilight!
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
big smile
False! I loved cars way before Twilight!

TPB knew there will be a Twilight videogame :D
over a year ago ashesandwine said…
True...I read saw it in a link added in a spot:D

The person below is Team Jacob
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…

TPB liked how Jamie was transformed into Caius
over a year ago I_Love_Cullen said…

The person below's favorite character is Edward.
over a year ago daphne_cullen said…
False. EMMETT! ♥

The person below's least favorite Cullen is Rosalie.
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
big smile
True, I guess. Now that I think about it. But I do like her.

The person below likes the girl who is playing Bree.
over a year ago lauracullen66 said…
erm true i guess

the person below was happy wit how breaking dawn ended
over a year ago whatupiloveyou said…
true and false...i like how it ends...but i wish it was longer...

the person below is thinking that breaking dawn is going to be rated "r"
over a year ago renrae said…
True. (A C-Section with teeth and skinny dipping.)

The person below's favorite character is Tyler.
over a year ago edwardcarlisle said…
False! Totaly false! XD

TPB knows how to make Rob's signature XD
over a year ago TeamEdward484 said…
False ,
You Can Do That ?

TPB Is On Team Jacob .
over a year ago lauracullen66 said…
FALSE FALSE FALSE, team Edward all the way!!!

the person below has one or more of the casts autographs?
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
False. I dont have any =(

The person below is happy with the person casted as Maria.
over a year ago foxiroxi41 said…
you caught me out there- maybe yes, maybe no...

TPB wishes they were a cullen!!!!! xxxxxx
over a year ago lauracullen66 said…
true but only by marriage (mine and edwards that it :P)

the person below would rather be a vampire than a werewolf