Twilight Series True or false. :]

daphne_cullen posted on May 02, 2009 at 07:22AM
Here's how you play it:
The first user will make a hunch on the next user. The hunch must be related to Twilight. Then the next user will say if it is true or false. He or she then makes another hunch for the next person.


The person below is on Team Edward.
Next user:
True. The person below has a copy of the Twilight DVD.
Next user:
False. The person below likes Kristen but hates Bella.

And so on.

I will start:
The person below is Team Switzerland.
last edited on Jan 17, 2010 at 08:47AM

Twilight Series 1943 replies

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Showing Replies 1251-1300 of 1943

over a year ago ashesandwine said…

The person below is Team Emmett!
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…

TPB is also team quil
over a year ago daphne_cullen said…
big smile

The person below purchased New Moon tickets already.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…

tpb is happy
over a year ago ashesandwine said…
SOOOOOO TRUE!!!! But I'm almost always happy!!!

The person below hates being sad!
over a year ago Little_Bella said…
Soooo true!

The person below me can't believe it's only five
more days till the worldwide premier!
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…

tpbm is upset
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
True-ish must admit.

The person below has seen New Moon (this will most likely be a false, but I just wanted to know)
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
true well its going to be by 12 am lo,lz

TPB is jealosu of me
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
big smile
False. I've already seen it.

The person below likes Charlie more in the movie.
over a year ago ashesandwine said…
Well, I like him both in the movie and in the book:P eheh! Which do I choose?!

The person below is a huge fan of Renee!
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
False. Not a huge fan.

The person below felt sad during at least one scene in the movie.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…

omfg tpb loved new moonj
over a year ago daphne_cullen said…
Haven't seen it yet. Maybe next Saturday. :( But I know it's going to be good.

The person below watched New Moon for two times already.
over a year ago mitsaki said…
big smile
false i am going to seen it today for first time!!!!!

the person below like more the new moon book than the movie!
over a year ago ashesandwine said…
I haven't seen it yet and it might take a while:(

The person below is from a country where the New Moon movie hasn't come out yet!
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
false seen it three times lolz

tpbm is reading new moon
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
False. I planned on reading it before I watched the movie. But exams got in the way. I'll read it in a couple of days.

The person below is planning on watching New Moon again, if you haven't seen it the first the time, then planning on watching it for the first time.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
true omfg im seein it again and again

TPB thinks im nuts
over a year ago sillysparkles said…
false =)

the person below has had a fantasy of edward cullen.
over a year ago daphne_cullen said…
big smile
False. Team Jacob all the way. ♥

The person below has the New Moon movie companion and is planning to buy the DVD when it comes out.
over a year ago nessienjake said…
true lol!!!!
the person below hates edward but loves Jacob =D
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…

The person below is excited for Eclipse.
over a year ago ashesandwine said…
True:P Even though I haven't seen New Moon yet:P

The person below doesn't care about Eclipse
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
tralse idk im just a being who is neutra;

TPBM is super super happy 4 no reason
over a year ago eyerat2 said…
who ever dosen"t like taylor lauther is lost 4 life :p
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
what thts nice to say this isnt tht kind of forum
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
^ Exactly. (Answering previous True or false question from page 51)

True-ish. I'm not super happy but I'm kinda happy, not sad either. Just really tired.

The person below doesn't really like the whole "Team" thing.
over a year ago cullen5665 said…
Well Taylor is awsome
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
I know that but still you dont need to be that wayy I dont like him so what does that mean

True its ok but i hate how people fight about it

tpbm is fed up about all this fighting stuff
over a year ago IluvJacob99 said…
big smile

tpb hates jacob black (witch is impossible)
over a year ago lollipopszx3 said…
False of course! Jacob is the best!

TPB has changed teams before (once Edward, now Jacob vice-versa)
over a year ago IluvJacob99 said…
big smile
very true

tpbs fav book is mid night sun
over a year ago IAmEdwardsLove said…
I have never read midnight sun. Sorry

Has seen New Moon and thinks Jacob looks totally fine with his shirt off.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago IluvJacob99 said…
true always


hate edward
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
ok true but not so much that I totally hate hate edward that id kill any one who likes him and i hate jacob too so

TPBM hates all the tpbm hates so and so stuf
over a year ago IluvJacob99 said…

tpbm hates twilight (likes thats possible)
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
True JK or am I

TPBM is bored
over a year ago IluvJacob99 said…
true so much

tpbm doesnt know what teennick is
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
true what is it

tpbm likes emmett
over a year ago IluvJacob99 said…
part true

teennick is a website

tpbm hate emmett
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
false hes mine mine mine

tpbm hates Jacob(cuzz i do)
over a year ago ashesandwine said…
Trueish! I'm not a big fan but I don't hate him completly:P

The person below hates Alec
over a year ago IluvJacob99 said…
false i like alice

tpbm loves cristmas
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
true and she said alec

tpbm is happy
over a year ago IluvJacob99 said…
big smile

tpbm hates thanks giving
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…

tpbm doesnt like hating things
over a year ago sweet_twilight said…
False. There has got to something that I hate in general.

The person below likes Alice's clothes in New Moon better than Twilight.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…

tpbm is mad at the twi spot
over a year ago IluvJacob99 said…
big smile

tpbm loves to party