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loretta9018 said about Huddy
In favor -> indignant -> and now indifferent. So NOW WHAT? I think I''m able to MOVE ON from House after this crap. This sucks, booh DS, GY and the writers! Posted over a year ago
loretta9018 said about Huddy
Why would they then announce it officially here on Einslive radio in Germany that she is leaving House because of a paycut? Posted over a year ago
loretta9018 said about Huddy
We will miss her all. your reactions are already all showing how much Lisa is loved by us. But no matter which way she will go, when she is happy, we will be, too.
Posted over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 commented…
I'm always going to watch the shows she is in because she is the HEART <3 of every show and movie she will be deeply missed in House over a year ago
slonyaffka gave me props for my comments
Great motto! I like that song! Posted over a year ago
loretta9018 said about Huddy
@ reebaila here is the link with the interview, I'm still crying my eyes out, but I won't ever recover from this anyway, probably... Posted over a year ago
loretta9018 commented…
link over a year ago
HuddyJoy0524 commented…
"I can’t [say they're done] forever, but we don’t want to jerk the audience around." wait a sec...doesnt that imply non finality!? he cant say theyre sure. have we been interpreting this wrong? over a year ago
reebaila commented…
@loretta9018 thank u over a year ago
loretta9018 said about Huddy
this is unbelievable. how can they screw this up like they are doing? HOW??? Posted over a year ago
loretta9018 said about Huddy
ok, so what we need is a therapy for ourselfs or something like that. switching on the lights in our heads like dr. norlan would say. :) maybe we need to think in a more positive way, calm down *breath in, breath out* Posted over a year ago
reebaila commented…
first positive thought that they have to torture us bfr the big sweet wedding over a year ago
reebaila commented…
second the true love can survive the storm < we know that they r true lover > over a year ago
huddycallianfan commented…
I try to stay calm or to not to think, but I suck at it. Every time I hear the sad song with touching lyrics, it reminds me of my...OUR Huddy! omg, I'm so devastated. :'( over a year ago
loretta9018 said about Huddy
gosh I'm still so disappointed and angry with the storyline of huddy so far! Posted over a year ago
loretta9018 said about Huddy
I like your speculating. my brain is still not working and I can't belief that it should be over. or I can't accept it. :( Posted over a year ago
loretta9018 said about Huddy
this show isn't good for my well being now.need to stay off. Posted over a year ago
houseandcuddy7 commented…
I know over a year ago